Here we go…They Are Going To Try It Again… ?

Here we go… Chief Scientist at the WHO, and one of the main individuals who WITTINGLY covered up the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, is now suggesting that H5N1 Bird Flu is a “serious concern”, and is …More
Here we go… Chief Scientist at the WHO, and one of the main individuals who WITTINGLY covered up the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, is now suggesting that H5N1 Bird Flu is a “serious concern”, and is pushing to preemptively develop vaccines.
They are going to try it again…
ed. in the stream of more significations and commentary, more pieces of evidence's ?USDA/China Doing Gain-of-Function Work on H5N1 Bir…

Here we go… Chief Scientist at the WHO, and one of the main individuals who WITTINGLY covered up the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, is now suggesting that H5N1 Bird Flu is a “serious concern”, and is pushing to preemptively develop vaccines. They are going to try it again…