
TradCatKnight: October Message, “I am an Eagle”

TradCatKnight: October Message, “I am an Eagle”

Lift not up thy eyes to riches which thou canst not have: because they shall make themselves wings like those of an eagle, and shall fly towards heaven. Proverbs 23:5

Brothers and Sisters I write to you in the Selfless Love and peace of the Union and Marriage of Jesus Christ and of His Sacred Heart and all the blessings that flow forth from it. Why, O’ men, do thou look for, that which to the eye draws the heart in but only moves the soul further away from God? Why doesn’t man in his endless chase of ‘things” find out that he only pursues in vain? Thus, is this perfect society we seek one that strives for perfection “on the surface level” bowing down to human favor or is it in reality a pursuit of Christ alone and all that He encompasses? Nay, the nations must be ruled by the Divine Law if order is to be restored. But the weary continue to wear their own “self” out by dragging it from this “thing’ to the next and yet the soul is not satisfied! An eagle learns to detach his heart (poverty, simplicity & humility) from all things so that he may fly freely interiorly in the “yoke of His blue skies”and yet how many wilst stay grounded due to the heavy weight that the “self” carries. . Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle' s. Psalms 102:5 Thence, the soul must move inwardly and upwardly through the Fortress of God following his will and intellect wilst avoiding even the smallest venial sin. Wisdom sayeth, “… as often as I would acquire on the surface is nearly as often as I would stay imprisoned within”. For in what I would acquire would only weigh my wings down, in so that, my faith and hope would be placed upon transient things and not the One who makes and grants all things according to His Will.

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