Obama’s Christian Problem

Obama’s Christian Problem
White House overlooks Christian persecution while pandering to Islam

The Obama administration has been obsessed with Muslim outreach and recently tried to mend fences with the Jewish community.

Given the state of the world, however, the White House ought to be focused on helping the world’s oppressed Christians.

The United States has been wary to intervene in matters affecting Christians in the Middle East for fear of validating terrorist narratives that the West is engaged in a new crusade against Islam.

The result of this passive policy has been to allow Islamic extremists increasingly to dominate the debate, often with tragic consequences.

Domestically, Mr. Obama faces a skeptical Christian majority going into the 2012 election.

According to Gallup, the president is lauded by the Islamic-American community, with 80 percent approval, but Muslims are a fraction of a percent of the population and an insignificant electoral base.

Among major Christian groups, Catholics gave 50 percent approval, Protestants (representing over half the U.S. population) 37 percent, and Mormons 25 percent.

The full editorial can be read at The Washington Times.
Louella, you have not included Portugal in one of your lists.
Are you not aware of Our Lady’s message to Sister Lucia?
In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved.More
Louella, you have not included Portugal in one of your lists.

Are you not aware of Our Lady’s message to Sister Lucia?

In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved.
Simple.....I am not talking about a return to anything....but a modern day response from nations still proud to call themselves Catholic or Christian. And I wasn't thinking about Spain or Italy.....no way.
I was thinking about Poland, Croatia, Malta.......maybe Hungary, Phillipines and Zambia etc.More
Simple.....I am not talking about a return to anything....but a modern day response from nations still proud to call themselves Catholic or Christian. And I wasn't thinking about Spain or Italy.....no way.

I was thinking about Poland, Croatia, Malta.......maybe Hungary, Phillipines and Zambia etc.
Simple but orthodox Catholic
@louella 👍 ... yes, there should be a modern day "Catholic League" ... but, unfortunately, that is only a dream. If the Popular Party comes back to power in Spain and if Italy's centre-right government can rid itseld of that reprobate Berlusconi and get a true Catholic [in private actions as well as public words and deeds] ... well there might be a chance. Despite all his personal scandals, …More
@louella 👍 ... yes, there should be a modern day "Catholic League" ... but, unfortunately, that is only a dream. If the Popular Party comes back to power in Spain and if Italy's centre-right government can rid itseld of that reprobate Berlusconi and get a true Catholic [in private actions as well as public words and deeds] ... well there might be a chance. Despite all his personal scandals, Berlusconi's Government did fight, and win, to retain the Cross in all public places.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
We need some nations who are not afraid to call themselves Christian....to form an alliance for the benefit of Christians and CHristianity throughout the world. Secular nations seem ashamed to admit they are at least nominally Christian. Too bad for them. 😡
holyrope 3
Impeach Obama! 😡 He has proven his disinterst in the slaughtering of Christians. He was nobody who curiously "won" the presidentional election and continues to ruin our country and the economy. He is Not Christian friendly, to say the the least!!! And could care less about the unborn children! He's a snake, with a double tongue!! 🙏
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Well said "Gloria.TV - News Briefs"!!! These cherry-picked cases ARE well publicised!!! Amnesty International has lost so much credibility and it deserves to lose support!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Amnesty Wants Tories to Arrest Bush During Visit
Human rights watchdog Amnesty International called on the Conservative government Wednesday to investigate, arrest and prosecute former U.S. president George W. Bush for torture when he visits Canada next week.
Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty's Canadian branch, stood in front of reporters with a stack of documents in hand that, he said, opened …More
Amnesty Wants Tories to Arrest Bush During Visit

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International called on the Conservative government Wednesday to investigate, arrest and prosecute former U.S. president George W. Bush for torture when he visits Canada next week.

Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty's Canadian branch, stood in front of reporters with a stack of documents in hand that, he said, opened the door for a Canadian investigation into Bush's authorization for use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" from 2002 to 2009.

"The evidence is clear, former U.S. president George W. Bush is responsible for a wide range of human rights violations - notably torture - which constitute crimes under international law," Neve said.
Neve supplied a legal brief, sent to the Justice Department on Sept. 21, laying out Amnesty's case against the former president.

The documents focus on the use of waterboarding - a form of torture that makes prisoners think they are drowning - and the former president's authorization of its use.

"Since leaving office, former president George W. Bush has said that he authorized the use of a number of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' against detainees held in (a) secret CIA program," the brief reads.
Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney blasted the human rights watchdog. "

Amnesty International cherry picks cases to publicize based on ideology. This kind of stunt helps explain why so many respected human rights advocates have abandoned Amnesty International.

Simple but orthodox Catholic
Hi, ACL, amice 😇 🤗 👍
Thanks a million, I'll try to that in the future!
SboC - Hi Mate! 🤗 1. Scan the clipping, using a scanner, into your computer. Save this as a pdf.doc. ; 2. Then go to Gloria.TV and choose "upload", then "article"; 3. The prompt should ask you to input the file location, next to this is a button marked "browse". Click "browse"; 3. Now, go to where you saved the clipping 'pdf' doc (e.g. desktop, my documents, external driver, etc.), locate it then …More
SboC - Hi Mate! 🤗 1. Scan the clipping, using a scanner, into your computer. Save this as a pdf.doc. ; 2. Then go to Gloria.TV and choose "upload", then "article"; 3. The prompt should ask you to input the file location, next to this is a button marked "browse". Click "browse"; 3. Now, go to where you saved the clipping 'pdf' doc (e.g. desktop, my documents, external driver, etc.), locate it then click open.

Then file should be uploaded unto Glori.TV as an article.

HOpe this was useful

😇 🤗
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Sorry everyone, I've been trying to post a cutting from a newspaper but I am NOT computer savvy enough to do so!
Anyway, the article was about "Amnesty International" wanting the Canadian Government to arrest George Bush "for authorising torture as he directed the US-led war on terror", when he attends an economic summit in Surrey, British Columbia, next Thursday.
This reminds me of those "nuts" …More
Sorry everyone, I've been trying to post a cutting from a newspaper but I am NOT computer savvy enough to do so!
Anyway, the article was about "Amnesty International" wanting the Canadian Government to arrest George Bush "for authorising torture as he directed the US-led war on terror", when he attends an economic summit in Surrey, British Columbia, next Thursday.
This reminds me of those "nuts" who were clamouring for the arrest of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI when he made a Pastoral visit to the UK recently, again for "crimes against humanity" for his alleged complicity in the "cover-up" of paedophile priests!
Now, I am neither pro nor anti-Republican [I'm an Australian living and working in Hong Kong ... I couldn't care less about either US party] ... and I am neither pro nor anti-Bush ... BUT it seems to me that the World is a far better place with the Taliban out of Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein out of Iraq ... and we DO owe all that to George W. Bush!
What is it about the "left-wing" agenda??? They say nothing about the nutcase who is destroying North Korea or the maniac who runs Iran [either the religious one or the political one ... they are both as bad as each other] ... but when it comes to Christian leaders or politicians they are always baying for their blood!!! Furthermore, the world-wide silence as Christians are being butchered in Moslem majority states is positively deafening!!! What is all this about???
PS Can anyone teach me how to upload [is that the term?] texts and videos onto this website????
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!