The Oracle of Santa Marta.

But who can know the mind of the Oracle of Santa Marta?

For someone complaining about "downers," the Pope seems to constantly tear down the faithful. As I've noted before, his language is that of a prophet, not a pastor. He is Isaiah, eveighing against the wickedness and hypocrisy of the Jews, i.e. Catholics. (In fact, the last time he called us hypocrites, the language was practically word-for-word from Isaiah. And that was two weeks ago, for those of you keeping score at home.)

When the Pope speaks of the "formalism" of hypocrites who say "It is not possible," the Bear thinks of the two Argentine lesbians with their sham marriage and the baby (VIDEO I VIDEO II) they've managed to obtain. They're set for their own Confirmation and baby's baptism April 5th at the cathedral in Cordoba. Is it the formalism of the hypocrite to have serious reservations about this? Is that the sort of thing the Pope has in mind? One suspects the answer is yes.
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He's talking about not bringing Christ but the first to do it... is him, HYPOCRITE!!!! Muslims with the coran, atheist, homo's, Jews... BUT ZERO CHRIST PREACH TO THEM!!! Now who is the first Hypocrite you false prophet Bergoglio you. 😡