Another Sodomy “Francis Effect ” San Francisco Catholic school nuns with trans teacher

School leaders told the community that counselors would be available to help students and staff members process the acceptance of Bodenheimer as a male rather than female teacher. In addition, an informal meeting for parents was scheduled for Thursday night.
la verdad prevalece
Petition to Remove Transgender Teacher at Catholic Mercy High School in San Francisco…
la verdad prevalece
FrMichael says:
May 13, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Several of the priests I know have mentioned that they think “somebody got to” Archbishop Cordileone. This decision, and a few other quieter ones, make me think they are right.
The Evil One is about and roaring right now, and the resistance on the part of the bishops is non-existent. We few priests speaking out in the pulpit are islands in a sea of clerical …More
FrMichael says:
May 13, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Several of the priests I know have mentioned that they think “somebody got to” Archbishop Cordileone. This decision, and a few other quieter ones, make me think they are right.
The Evil One is about and roaring right now, and the resistance on the part of the bishops is non-existent. We few priests speaking out in the pulpit are islands in a sea of clerical silence.