Aga ta
Palestine: 350,000 march for peace in London In one of the biggest marches ever seen in the UK, organisers estimated that around 350,000 people took to the streets in London to call for peace and an …More
Palestine: 350,000 march for peace in London

In one of the biggest marches ever seen in the UK, organisers estimated that around 350,000 people took to the streets in London to call for peace and an immediate ceasefire, as Israel's relentless bombing of Gaza continues.

Trade unionists and Labour party members speak out in the video over the slaughter of innocent civilians, pointing out that nothing justifies the atrocities that are being committed now.

The revulsion at the huge numbers of children murdered and the bombing of hospitals in particular, was clear to see in numerous home-made banners - and is in stark contrast to the disgusting response from the leaderships of both the Tories and the Labour Party.

Equally disgraceful is the silence, bordering on complicity, of many of the trade union leaderships - particularly those affiliated to the Labour Party.

But this gigantic demonstration reflected the true feelings and basic decency of the British people, the overwhelming majority of whom want to see an immediate ceasefire according to recent polls.

It's now the job of all of us to increase and deepen the movement for peace, alongside the huge mobilisations all over the world this weekend, into a force that is capable of stopping a war that is growing ever more dangerous by the hour.
AJ Fides
And no, they weren't protesting for a return of the hostages they captured like 7th century thugs.
Import the third world. Become the third world.
The Palestinians elected Hamas to rule them in Gaza. Hamas rejects a two state solution and is a designated terror organization. Hamas is committed to genocide against Jews and elimination of the Israeli state. Hamas is no better than the Nazi regime in the 1930s and 40s Germany and should be eliminated from the world, as were the Nazis. The Palestinians made their choice at the voting booth and …More
The Palestinians elected Hamas to rule them in Gaza. Hamas rejects a two state solution and is a designated terror organization. Hamas is committed to genocide against Jews and elimination of the Israeli state. Hamas is no better than the Nazi regime in the 1930s and 40s Germany and should be eliminated from the world, as were the Nazis. The Palestinians made their choice at the voting booth and now have to live with the consequences of that choice. I pray that God may have mercy on their souls.