

Vigilant family-watch groups report that the United Nations, national governments, international and national agencies are pushing a deeply destructive program by the name of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Its victims are children as young as five years old in our schools.

While you and I go about our lives taking care of our daily duties and fighting our spiritual battles, the enemies of God are out there, well positioned in places of Government pushing for the total destruction of the innocence of our children.

Please take a moment to read:

“In the name of sexuality education children are seeing obscene materials that have been ruled by Congress and by the Supreme Court impossible to show to children.”
Judith Reisman, Ph.D., Director of Liberty Child
Protection Center, Liberty University School of Law

[For the sake of decency, I have removed all graphic quotes. These quotes describe in explicit form, all sorts of sexual perversions. The CSE program is essentially a training of children in hard core pornography.]

Another publishable quote reads:

“They are giving them handouts negotiating sexual encounters with other students. For example, there are statements like this: ‘Can I take your shirt off?’ ‘It makes me hot when you touch me here.’ ‘Is it OK if I take my pants off?’”
Kristine Swarts,
Power2Parent, (Nevada)

What they are planning to do with children is disgusting and keep in mind I am omitting all the crude material.

But as you can see, CSE is a program designed to introduce children to everything sexual and pornographic from a very young age.

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Much of the material, with explicit images in kid-friendly, cartoony style, is morally filthy, showing male and female private parts and ways to derive sexual pleasure from sexual self-abuse and other mortally sinful behaviors, natural and unnatural.

Of course, America is also on the U.N. hit list. One such program is called “It’s All One Curriculum: Guidelines and Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights.”

Not surprisingly, International Planned Parenthood Federation was instrumental in its creation.

Here are some of the publishable activities being pushed in this program:

They want the children to work together and come up with a “short skit involving an intimate relationship — married, male–female unmarried, or same-sex couple.”

They put together a worksheet on Sexual Desire for the children. It has questions about male and female genitalia in arousal, and “sexual fantasies.”

With the objective of having the children “empathizing with them,” case studies followed by discussions regarding homosexuality are presented.

...and much more.
Naturally you wonder: why is the United Nations making such a major effort to get CSE programs into schools and communities around the world?

The answer is as evil as it is simple: Get the children, control the future.

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These enemies of modesty, chastity, and purity – enemies of God – have so many programs, agencies, and affiliates in our country and the world that an index listing alone would take many pages.

We are truly a David against this evil Goliath. But with God all things are possible.

Just remember, purity is the answer. And we have Mary Most Pure as our Advocate!

Lubica, I sit here asking myself if there is a correlation between this sort of thing (CSE) and what is going on in the world today. The terrorism, the madness, people being killed left and right; the world seems to have been held hostage by a group of terrorists and our Governments are clueless on what to do about it.

Is God leaving us to our own devices?

But here is the thing. If the world is systematically and scientifically going about finding new ways to destroy any vestige of Innocence still left…. Would it be surprising that God is withdrawing his graces and blessings?

Please help us spread this petition.

Jesus and Mary will reward you.

Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
P.S: The Gospel of St. Matthew says, “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones…it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals.”
Click here to defend the innocence of children. Reject CSE!
P.S: The Gospel of St. Matthew says, “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones…it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals.”
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