Beginning with Holy Week, the Latin Mass Community of Miami will move to Belen Jesuit Prep. [Not the Bee].
Several Jesuits have been offering the TLM for some time in Miami, helping their brother Priests of the Archdioceses meet the needs of the faithful. The Archbishop has requested the move, and the rector of the Historic High School and the Jesuit provincial have gladly approved it.
It is a win …More
Beginning with Holy Week, the Latin Mass Community of Miami will move to Belen Jesuit Prep. [Not the Bee].

Several Jesuits have been offering the TLM for some time in Miami, helping their brother Priests of the Archdioceses meet the needs of the faithful. The Archbishop has requested the move, and the rector of the Historic High School and the Jesuit provincial have gladly approved it.

It is a win-win move. The Good Archbishop fulfills the letter of T.C. and keeps Rome happy while the Latin Mass Community gets to use a newer, bigger, more apt, Chapel during prime Mass times. Belen Prep is easy to get to, located near major highways.

Latin Mass Miami

MASSES FOR PASSION WEEK & EASTER in Davie Our Lady of Victory Chapel (SSPX) 4580 SW 65th Avenue in Davie / 407-872-1007 Holy Thursday, April 6th 6:00 p.m. – Confessions 7:00 p.m. – …