Waste Incineration - chronic poisoning of the people Part 9 Flue Gas cleaning. Lecture with Dr. Harry Rosin 2008 at an Congress of the Bürgerbewegung für Kryo-Recycling. www.youtube.com/watch (c) …More
Waste Incineration - chronic poisoning of the people Part 9 Flue Gas cleaning.

Lecture with Dr. Harry Rosin 2008 at an Congress of the Bürgerbewegung für Kryo-Recycling. www.youtube.com/watch

(c) The influence of waste incineration plant (WIP) combustion

and gas cleaning technology on dioxin emissions

Dipl. Ing. g. Bröker from the VDI in Essen ( www.vdi.de ) ( 11 ) examined the problem: What must be done to reduce the emission of chlorinated dioxins and furans ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furan ) from WIPs to a minimum? He came to the following conclusions:

* In WIPs the chemical and physical composition of the fuel changes constantly during combustion.
* Time and location dependent, this leads to zones of oxygen deficiency and lower temperature, which in turn lead to incomplete combustion, with the consequence of the formation of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and soot ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_monoxide / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbon / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soot )
* There is clear evidence that the emissions of dioxin and furan is dependent on the input of chlorine compounds ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound ); but there is no realistic chance of reducing the amount of harmful substances in the waste, so as to reduce dioxins.
* So- called "favorable combustion conditions" like high temperature, adequate residence time at high temperatures, high turbulence through improved furnace geometry ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furnace ) and sufficient surplus oxygen ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen ) have not led to a permanent or signifcant reduction of dioxins or furans.
* The admixture uf sulfurous additives which can reduce the chlorination reaction ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorination ) must be tested further.
* Instead of scrubbing with water to clean the gas, as in the past, preference should be given to dry processes or semi- dry processes. In the semi- dry process the flue gases are fed directly into reactor at between 255 and 270°C. Using injectetd limed slurry ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lime ) the gases are then cooled to between 110 and 140°C and are cleaned. The dosage of lime slurry is regulated according to the composition of the flue gas ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flue_gas ), so that the liquid evaporates completely and the suspended hydrate of lime is dispersed in the flue gas as fine particles, which are then separated by fabric filter ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filter ). Canadian authors have measured separation levels of over 99%.( 11 )
Perhaps this is the more than 99% which Drs. Eikmann took up and quoted (see above)?
Dipl.-ing. G. Bröker was more cautious ( 11 ):
One way to reduce dioxins in the flue gas possibly is semi- dry dry flue gas cleaning, if the canadian measurements can be verified on a flue gas cleaning system of this kind. At present we are not aware of any conclusive, universal construction principles which can be applied to the firing processes for preventing the formation of dioxins or furans during the incineration of waste.
This means, that the formation of dioxins and furans depends basically on the material. It can scarcely be avoided with furnace- related measures. The promoters of WIP as a "pollutatnt sink" must rely almost exclusively on the effectiveness of flue gas cleaning - and that in face of 10²6 to 10²8 flue gas products per second!
There are, however, reports of findings which suggest that the recently introduced semi- dry process - the effluent - free spray absorption by means of lime slurry injected into the flue gas, possibly with the addition of hearth-furnace coke - attains high removal efficiencies for acids ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid ), oxides ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxide ) of nitrogen ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen ) and sulfur ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur ), carbon dioxide ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbondioxide ), organic componets and dioxins/ Furans. But compared with earlier multi- stage gas cleaning plants, which need between 5.5 and 6% electricity, the semi-dry process as a simplified gas cleaning system which needs only between 2.5 and 4% electricity ( 60 ).....

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