Tom Blyton

Prophecy Watch; Coming Soon This Advent 2024; A New All 'Universal' Liturgy Coming into Effect?

real time evidences for the convergence upon Marian Prophecy - PROPHETIC; NEW RITE FOR MASS BEING WORKED ON IN VA…

A new, Universal 'ecumenical[]? style, Inclusive mass

Foreshadows? or the formed 'worship liturgical element which corresponds in exactitude to Marie Julie Jahenny's Prophecy ?

part of the prophecy below;

«A new diabolical service of worship, a universal ecumenical style, will be introduced by Satan. [Latest; More Sources Suggest A NEW Liturgical FORM…]

Ministers will wear red robes and cloaks, they will have some bread and water for service, but without a valid consecration. [PROPHETIC; NEW RITE FOR MASS BEING WORKED ON IN VA…] .

They will be allowed to do this rite everywhere, under the open sky and in their homes.» (June 28, 1880) (Note: Wine is not mentioned as part of this service, and this would fit very well with the new religion that will be imposed on people and of the Islamic type, in which the use of wine is prohibited.) «Today, I give you a warning. Disciples who do not belong to My Holy Gospel are making a great mental effort to create a second facsimile, to realize their idea, under the influence of the enemy of souls: A Mass that contains hateful words in My eyes. When the fatal hour comes, when they test the Faith of My Eternal Priesthood, it will be these documents that they will use to celebrate, in the latter period. '

ed. we are surely, contextually and historically in this latter period

'The first period is that of My priesthood that has always existed after Me. The second is the period of persecution when the enemies of Faith and Holy Religion will formulate, and impose by force, these documents as the book of the second celebration. These infamous spirits (or infamous minds) are those who have crucified Me and who are waiting for the reign of a new Messiah to be happy. Many of my holy priests will reject this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, (they) ....