"Even the historical leader of the Community of St. Egidio, Andrea Riccardi, for whom the Vatican is a second home, published a book entitled: “The Church is burning: the crisis and future of Christianity”, where he envisions an apocalyptic scenario: “the end of Catholicism” and “a world without the Church”.
If you consider how Bergoglio was acclaimed at the very beginning by the ecclesiastical …More
"Even the historical leader of the Community of St. Egidio, Andrea Riccardi, for whom the Vatican is a second home, published a book entitled: “The Church is burning: the crisis and future of Christianity”, where he envisions an apocalyptic scenario: “the end of Catholicism” and “a world without the Church”.

If you consider how Bergoglio was acclaimed at the very beginning by the ecclesiastical world (the dream was: a triumphant “Bergoglio effect” ) you can understand how intense the disillusionment is today.

After these past eight years – the Church – has not flourished, but appears annihilated. Religious life is in a comatose state. The Church’s central government, in the Vatican, is in permanent chaos. Confusion, even doctrinal, reigns supreme in the entire ecclesial community. The balance of Sunday Mass attendance is devastating and vocations are now in free-fall (among other things, with the collapse of sacramental marriages). The clergy and the bishops seem to have gone adrift."

The Sunset of a Papacy. Pope Francis also has his fans against him. By Antonio Socci

Antonio Socci Libero June 16, 2021 What is happening in the Catholic Church? Are we on the verge of an earthquake? …