Preparing for the Consecration of Russia. Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics. TO FAITHFUL CATHOLICS Nov. 13-19, 2014 Nov. 13: Overcoming the Darkness Nov. 14: New Gifts for Faithful People …More
Preparing for the Consecration of Russia. Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics.

Nov. 13-19, 2014

Nov. 13: Overcoming the Darkness
Nov. 14: New Gifts for Faithful People
Nov. 15: The Beginning Gifts
Nov. 16: Light for Devout Catholics
Nov. 17: Entering Mary’s Heart
Nov. 18: Preparing for Mary’s Fire
Nov. 19: Preparing for the Consecration of Russia

Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics


These events will come forth because human history moves on, bringing forth what has been imbedded in its past. I have tried to describe those forces that have been placed in the stream, waiting beneath the surface and ready to come forth. Now, I must move on to my Church and to describe its life. I will speak of what is hidden and often overlooked.

Many lay people take their Baptism very seriously. They offer their help at the parishes, attend its services and keep their hearts loyal. They are faithful Catholics and even though there have been many scandals, they do not allow them to shake their faith.

They have received a Catholic heritage and they want to pass this on to their children and grandchildren. They have never given up the dreams placed in their hearts from the beginning. They have always believed in the Church. Even when the scandals came, they held on in the darkness and continued to serve and to believe.

Their numbers are much larger than the public perception. These Catholic will be my foundation. In so many ways, they have come through the darkness. They have believed when the darkness of events covered over their churches. Now, I am ready to use them. To these I will speak now.

Comment: So many Catholics remained faithful during the scandals. Now Our Lady will prepare them for what is ahead.

Preparing for the Consecration of Russia

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Nov 19th, 2014


The fullness

The fullness of my gifts will only flow as mankind falls deeper and deeper into darkness. This will happen as the events, coordinated by Satan, unfold. At that time, a hopelessness and feeling of inevitability will come upon the human race. As Satan cleverly unfolds one part at a time, people will realize what has happened. The important events of the past led to these troubles. Mankind will see itself as cornered, with its back to the wall.

Only after these events begin, will the Church realize the great power that has been given at Fatima. At last, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia, together with all of the bishops. New lights and new hope will be released, the deepest gifts of my Immaculate Heart.

The world will not return to the way it was. Some parts will have already collapsed and many places will have been destroyed, but new life will be offered to all. This is why I must speak and explain my gifts so all can receive. Right now, I am pouring out preparatory gifts, new attractions to greater devotion. They must be received so each soul is more ready for the great gifts that will pour out after Russia is consecrated.

Comment: Our Lady explains very clearly that special graces are being given now. These come to each one by having special devotion to her.

Pablo Apóstol
🙏 🙏 😉
These events will come forth because human history moves on, bringing forth what has been imbedded in its past. I have tried to describe those forces that have been placed in the stream, waiting beneath the surface and ready to come forth. Now, I must move on to my Church and to describe its life. I will speak of what is hidden and often overlooked.More

These events will come forth because human history moves on, bringing forth what has been imbedded in its past. I have tried to describe those forces that have been placed in the stream, waiting beneath the surface and ready to come forth. Now, I must move on to my Church and to describe its life. I will speak of what is hidden and often overlooked.
👍 👍 🙏 🤗
Jésus Fils de Dieu
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
En réalité, je doute même que quoi que ce soit apparaisse à Medjugorje, sinon le reflet de l'imagination des pseudo-voyants. C'est si facile de leurrer les assoiffés de "lumineux", que c'en est affligeant.
Ce n'est pas la Sainte Vierge qui apparaît à medjugorje, mais le démon.
Plus facile d'effacer les éléments de discernement catholiques ainsi que la position officielle de l'Eglise, je comprends... Pourtant, les FAITS sont là :
Evénements de Medjugorje
Egalement ici : www.marcocorvaglia.com/medjugorje-fr/accueil.html
ou encore ici : saintespritdeverite.e-monsite.com/pages/fausses-mystiques/
Ce n'est pas la Sainte Vierge qui apparaît à medjugorje, mais le démon.

Plus facile d'effacer les éléments de discernement catholiques ainsi que la position officielle de l'Eglise, je comprends... Pourtant, les FAITS sont là :

Evénements de Medjugorje

Egalement ici : www.marcocorvaglia.com/medjugorje-fr/accueil.html

ou encore ici : saintespritdeverite.e-monsite.com/pages/fausses-mystiques/

C'est inutile d'effacer, puisque en faisant une "référence" à cette contribution, même si les commentaires sont fermés, il apparaîtra encore.
Pablo Apóstol
Preparing for the Consecration of Russia. Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics 👍 🤗 🙏
Pablo Apóstol
🙏 🙏 🙏 👍
Nov. 13-19, 2014
Nov. 13: Overcoming the Darkness
Nov. 14: New Gifts for Faithful People
Nov. 15: The Beginning Gifts
Nov. 16: Light for Devout CatholicsMore
Nov. 13-19, 2014

Nov. 13: Overcoming the Darkness
Nov. 14: New Gifts for Faithful People
Nov. 15: The Beginning Gifts
Nov. 16: Light for Devout Catholics
Nov. 17: Entering Mary’s Heart
Nov. 18: Preparing for Mary’s Fire
Nov. 19: Preparing for the Consecration of Russia
Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful CatholicsMore
Nov. 17: Entering Mary’s Heart
Nov. 18: Preparing for Mary’s Fire
Nov. 19: Preparing for the Consecration of Russia

Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics
2 more comments from Conejito
Thanks, pray. 👍 🤗
👍 🤗 🙏
Flor María
These events will come forth because human history moves on, bringing forth what has been imbedded in its past. I have tried to describe those forces that have been placed in the stream, waiting beneath the surface and ready to come forth. Now, I must move on to my Church and to describe its life. I will speak of what is hidden and often overlooked.More

These events will come forth because human history moves on, bringing forth what has been imbedded in its past. I have tried to describe those forces that have been placed in the stream, waiting beneath the surface and ready to come forth. Now, I must move on to my Church and to describe its life. I will speak of what is hidden and often overlooked.
Flor María
Many lay people take their Baptism very seriously. They offer their help at the parishes, attend its services and keep their hearts loyal. They are faithful Catholics and even though there have been many scandals, they do not allow them to shake their faith.
3 more comments from Flor María
Flor María
They have received a Catholic heritage and they want to pass this on to their children and grandchildren. They have never given up the dreams placed in their hearts from the beginning. They have always believed in the Church. Even when the scandals came, they held on in the darkness and continued to serve and to believe.
Flor María
Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics
Their numbers are much larger than the public perception. These Catholic will be my foundation. In so many ways, they have come through the darkness. They have believed when the darkness of events covered over their churches. Now, I am ready to use them. To these I will speak now.More
Overcoming the Darkness To Faithful Catholics

Their numbers are much larger than the public perception. These Catholic will be my foundation. In so many ways, they have come through the darkness. They have believed when the darkness of events covered over their churches. Now, I am ready to use them. To these I will speak now.
Flor María
Comment: So many Catholics remained faithful during the scandals. Now Our Lady will prepare them for what is ahead.
Preparing for the Consecration of Russia
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Nov 19th, 2014More
Comment: So many Catholics remained faithful during the scandals. Now Our Lady will prepare them for what is ahead.

Preparing for the Consecration of Russia

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Nov 19th, 2014
The fullness
The fullness of my gifts will only flow as mankind falls deeper and deeper into darkness. This will happen as the events, coordinated by Satan, unfold. At that time, a hopelessness and feeling of inevitability will come upon the human race. As Satan cleverly unfolds one part at a time, people will realize what has happened. The important events of the past led to these troubles.…More

The fullness

The fullness of my gifts will only flow as mankind falls deeper and deeper into darkness. This will happen as the events, coordinated by Satan, unfold. At that time, a hopelessness and feeling of inevitability will come upon the human race. As Satan cleverly unfolds one part at a time, people will realize what has happened. The important events of the past led to these troubles. Mankind will see itself as cornered, with its back to the wall.