"Communio" at 50 ignatiuspress Fifty years ago, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and Joseph Ratzinger, among others, founded the theological journal "Communio," which set out, as Balthasar put …More
"Communio" at 50 ignatiuspress
Fifty years ago, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and Joseph Ratzinger, among others, founded the theological journal "Communio," which set out, as Balthasar put it, to “fight at all costs against the deadly polarization brought on by the fervor displayed by traditionalists and modernists alike” and “to perceive of the Church as a central communion, a community that originated from communion with Christ, who presented himself as a gift to the Church; as a communion that will enable us to share our hearts, thoughts, and blessings.” In the last five decades, "Communio" has continued the work of its founding mission, advancing theological discussion and deepening the Church’s understanding of her role in the world. Later this month, a conference celebrating the journal’s 50th anniversary will take place at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry. In this episode, Mark Brumley and Carl E. Olson speak with the organizers of the conference—Matthew Kuhner, Ph.D., Vice President and Academic Dean at St. Bernard's; Daniel Drain, Coordinator of Academic Operations and Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at St. Bernard's; and Lisa Lickona, S.T.L., Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Bernard's. They discuss the mission and legacy of "Communio," its continued relevance in the life of the Church, and what they hope the conference will achieve. Related links: - Details about the conference, including in-person and virtual registration information, can be found here: Catholicity as Gift and Task: The 50th Anniversary of "Communio" - The Fall 1992 issue of "Communio" contains a number of the journal’s founding documents: The Theology of Henri de Lubac / Communio at Twenty Years (photocopy) | Issues | Communio - The "Communio" website includes a collection of individual articles (many available as PDFs) about the journal: Articles About the History and Mission of Communio | Communio