Blessed Virgin Mary's Apparitions and Prophecies in Amsterdam. Blessed Virgin Mary's Apparitions and Prophecies in Amsterdam The world is sliding downward into degeneration, disaster, and war. What do …More
Blessed Virgin Mary's Apparitions and Prophecies in Amsterdam.

Blessed Virgin Mary's Apparitions and Prophecies in Amsterdam

The world is sliding downward into degeneration, disaster, and war. What do all the unprecedented headlines of today have in common? They were all predicted over 50 years ago. Predictions made by a woman and revealed to the world through another woman. This documentary explores these decades-old predictions and finds them to be startlingly accurate. But are the more than prophecies? Could they hold the key to true world peace?

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Professor of National Security Affairs/ Former CIA speaks in a fashion that tries to bridge the supernatural perspective of the Apparition's message with the historical reality of contemporary international relations



Dr. Mark Miravalle speaks the many astonishing headlines in today's news. On one hand there are the many stories reflecting the moral decay and on the other hand the many natural disasters, faltering economy, and the many wars.



Peace Through A Woman



Mary, the Mother of Jesus, appeared to the Dutch visionary, Ida Peerdeman in Amsterdam, Holland under the title of the "Lady of All Nations" in 56 apparitions from March 25, 1945 to May 31, 1959. These apparitions were followed by a series of "Eucharistic Experiences" received by the visionary from July 1958 to May 1970.

The first years of these messages called for a return of the Cross of Jesus Christ into the center of human life and spirituality, along with a new coming of the Holy Spirit for the sanctification of the world. These messages also contained a great number of prophecies concerning the Church and the world, including numerous social, economic and geo-political predictions, for example: an upcoming worldwide economic crisis; conflicts in the Middle East, specifically in Jerusalem and Cairo; a great increase in natural disasters; a global decline in morals, family life, and religious practice. Many of these prophecies have clearly already taken place. The fulfillment of these social, economic, and geo-political prophecies provides the credibility of supernatural authenticity for the two specific spiritual remedies offered by the Lady of All Nations for today's unprecedented global crises.

On February 11, 1951, The Lady of All Nations revealed a prayer that should be prayed by all peoples for a new coming of the Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary as Advocate:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send now your Spirit over the earth.

Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,

that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war.

May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary*, be our Advocate. Amen.

The Lady gave these instructions regarding the prayer: "My child, this prayer is so short and simple, that each one can say it in his own tongue, before his own crucifix...Let all men cooperate in this great work for the world."

This prayer is to prepare for the main spiritual remedy offered by the Lady of All Nations for the world's many contemporary crises: the solemn proclamation by the Pope of the Catholic Church of the "dogma" of Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. In many of her messages, the Lady explains that through the papal declaration of this dogma of Mary, Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, Mary will then be able to intercede for a new coming of the Holy Spirit, which will bring a historic outpouring of grace, redemption, and peace for the entire world. As the Lady of All Nations revealed in her May 31, 1954 Message: "Work and ask for this dogma. You should petition the Holy Father for this dogma...When the dogma, the last dogma in Marian history has been proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will give peace, true peace, to the world. The nations, however, must say my prayer in union with the Church."

On May 31, 1996, Bishop Bomers of Haarlem gave local Church approval for acceptance and public devotion to the Lady of All Nations according to individual conscience. On May 31, 2002, Bishop Punt of Haarlem-Amsterdam gave local Church approval to the authenticity of the messages and apparitions of the Lady of All Nations, stating that they "consist essentially of a supernatural origin."

*Original clause read, "who once was Mary" but was changed to "the Blessed Virgin Mary" to avoid any pastoral misunderstandings, and was approved by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith in 2006.


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