
Mistakes we catholics do

*Hating Israel

Most of us, while growing in our faith, could fall in the mistake of hating the people of Israel for murdering our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sure, they don’t make it easy, as many Jews mock Christianity and this doesn’t help. The very definition of Christianity is not just followers of Christ, it is those who put into practice His teachings and commands, in other words, Christians SHOULD fulfill our Lord’s desires.

Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…” Luke 23:34

Jews today shouldn’t be held liable for the evils of their ancestors despite their ancestors committing to have innocent blood to fall upon their generations, but more than that, our Lord asked Almighty Father to forgive them, so Jesus did while being torn and nailed to the cross. Because our Lord forgave them, we should live with His petition to Almighty Father, as a command, we should forgive Israel for assassinating the Alpha and Omega, the ONLY begotten Son of God, our Lord and King Jesus Christ.

*Thinking the novus ordo is invalid

Traditional minded Catholics loves to hate the novus ordo mass for many reasons, some of them are valid and some others aren’t, but dismissing the novus ordo mass (also called the “normal” mass), is to me the # 1 mistake they do, as the Eucharist is still happening in such masses, dismissing the mass as “invalid” is like saying the Eucharist doesn’t happen there.

Since Vatican II, there hasn’t been more Eucharist miracles in the Catholic Church, all around the world in the little number of years since the council, that speaks loud about the faith of people going to such masses and nation overall, miracles happen more where faith is lacking or in deep trouble, so if you make the arguments the faith of such mass goers is frail, yes… that could be true.

Knowing that faith of the laity in such masses is lacking will not help my own traditional faith grow, my faith will grow if I don’t feel conceded and pray for the souls of priests and Christians to be saved while embracing the sacraments, but saying the novus ordo is invalid is like saying the Eucharist there is also invalid.


Some Christians while defending truth love to mock certain people who teaches heresies to the faithful, our Lord NEVER mocked the pharisees, despite Him suffering mockery all the way to His tomb… similarities?

Some Catholics love to display their sense of humor and it’s alright because it is a gift from God, but when you are defending truth threatened by false teachings, you should avoid mocking at all costs. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross said the following: “Do not accept anything as truth that lacks love, and do not accept anything as love that lacks truth. One without the other is a destructive lie.”

Many Christians love to mock while defending or teaching truth, that should be avoided in order to grow, I mean, we should mimic our Lord in all aspects of His life and teachings, He didn’t mock any Pharisees or false prophets, He pointed out the falseness… that’s it.

*Eucharist in the hand.

Never, in the history of apparitions, in which our Lord, an Archangel, a dead but saintly priest, have ever given a person the Eucharist in the hand… NEVER.

What ever happened to people who weren’t a priest back in the time of Moses whom touch what was sacred? Since they weren’t supposed to touch such, they died instantly; now, you don’t see that in any of the novus ordo masses around the world, nobody drops and dies after having the Eucharist in the hand, but there’s many apparitions telling us about purgatory and how people there, laments ever haved the Eucharist in the hand.

Eucharist in the hand is a sin, but most people don’t know that, priest don’t teach these things anymore and it is just sad, I mean, Eucharist in the tongue IS the rule, not the exception, not even the Vatican follow that rule anymore, it is hard and sad to watch.

*The Divine Mercy Chaplet replacing the Rosary

The Divine Mercy chaplet has power, it is the second most powerful collection of prayers for a Catholic to do, the number one is the Holy Rosary, unfortunately, the majority of the laity of novus ordo masses prefer to do the Chaplet privately instead of the Rosary, actually, it would be awesome if both are prayed.

But the Chaplet didn’t exist in the train of prayers the laity had before the 2nd Vatican council, the Rosary was and the entire army of saints who came to know the Rosary, fell in love with the Rosary, they did MANY Rosaries throughout the day and as of today they’re saints, they did it the old fashion way.

The chaplet, despite being given by God to St. Faustina Kowalska, was put into lock and key for years until St John Paul II approve its recitation by the entire Church, unfortunately, most novus ordo Catholics today prefer to do the chaplet instead of the Rosary, which is a mistake. Now, I do believe that if the chaplet wasn’t existent in the novus ordo crowd, things would be worst.

The reason to avoid the Rosary and pray the chaplet it is almost planned by the enemy, I mean, the #1 excuse is that the Rosary is too long and the chaplet is not, once you stop doing the Rosary and embrace the chaplet, it could take some time for you to stop doing the Chaplet and just be the sound cafeteria catholic the devil loves.

*The Novus ordo Mass

The novus ordo mass should be avoided, instead, the old mass should be embraced… now avoidance doesn’t mean total rejection, because transubstantiation still occurs, I mean, the bread transforms into the Holy Flesh of God and in an emergency, you could go there and have the Eucharist, the most awesome novus ordo mass today it is done by the heralds of the Gospel.

I will never forget one day I came into a novus ordo mass celebrated by a priest friend of mine, in which the Lord showed me, how people were trampling on His Body; a man took the Eucharist in the hand, ate the Bread of life and then wipe the particles in full view of everyone (and this was a mass usher of all people), the entire procession walked all over our Lord’s Body. Also, some people take the Eucharist home, satanists reach easily our Lord to dishonor Him in their rituals and the permissiveness to do whatever in such mass is outrageous.

I’m I saying people who goes to the novus ordo mass will go to hell? No, but where would you rather be? At the foot of the Cross or walking all over the Holy Blood and Flesh of our Lord? The Latin mass is like being at the foot of the Cross like Apostle John and our Holy Mother Mary, while the “normal” mass or novus ordo, is like the entire procession to the Golgotha, in which the people walked all over the pieces the Romas tore apart from Jesus Body by the constant lashes, the mockery, the spats, the cheering and laughter while He bare His all for the salvation of many… this is why I think the so called normal mass isn’t that normal at all, and it needs to be avoided due to the constant abuse and openness to permissiveness for people to do whatever they “feel” as good.

*Confessing sins after the Eucharist

Through the Apostles, God tells us that it is extremely important to forgive, He who lives forever says try to be at peace with you brother before coming to the altar.

“…First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Mathew 5:24

I know, I know, not only that passage is talking about finding forgiveness between brethren, but also I would like to present it as the best practice to go in to the Eucharist, yes the Church practices that if you’re truly remorseful and repent, and your intentions are that you’ll go to confession, then using the sacrament of reconciliation after the Eucharist it is viewed as alright, but grave sin is grave sin and should be presented in the confessional first, venial sins can be easily erased before the procession begins if you truly repent, I’ve never been at ease with the notion of going to confession after the Eucharist, that it is why the best practice should be to go into confession before having the Eucharist.

Having an issue with your brother is a serious thing, I mean, how can you receive the All-Merciful God if we are hypocrites and don’t forgive… let’s try and go to the sacrament of confession before not after the Eucharist, it is a sound practice to avoid issues rather to lament, repair by having Mercy and forgive all the time as Almighty Father also forgives you.

*Not denying yourself

Perhaps this is one of the most annoying things, denying our flesh… We Catholics are champions in NOT denying ourselves, fasting is a problem when you seat at your favorite McDonalds or Dunkin’ donuts, not erasing that video our friends just send about the latest model or celebrity whom has a sex video out, we literally sleep with our cell phones and take selfies in places that could cost us our lives sometimes, I mean… how can we deny ourselves if the entire day we are “high” on us?

The most “classic” denial of our flesh comes with a meager fish on a Friday (meatless days), when that’s nothing compared to just not watching TV, using social medial for 24 hours or giving alms that truly hurts; but nowadays, even if the impossible happens and we somehow do something outrageous, like walking a mile in our knees or avoid food for a day, we go ahead and celebrate in such a way, like if it is some sort of a milestone, just to get praise from the world, there… right there, says the Lord is our compensation, the reward is the cheers you get, but if you make it in secret it would be much better in the Eyes of God (Mat 6:3-6).

Alms, fasting, avoidance of a normal pleasures is an act of Mercy but at the same time it is also denying oneself, it is Mercy for your soul because it purifies yourself IF it is done in secret, sure, sometimes it has to be done in front of everyone in order to preach the Gospel and Honor God, but avoid praise, if you can exit stage left right after doing the deed good, this would deny yourself from trying and steal the glory for yourself and when you do that you’ll grow spiritually, but if you don’t people will try and deposit the glory into you and that will be your only reward, unfortunately, your flesh will become delicious for demons and your soul closed to grace.

Denying yourself in secret is the most awesome thing we could do to grow in Almighty Father’s Eyes.

Praying for souls is denying the flesh, while applause is celebrating the flesh… why do you think artists such as musicians go to hell so easily? It is not only because they lead scandalous lives and some of their lyrics are against God, but their filled stadiums and applauses is not an act of mercy, it does not bring Honor to God, it doesn’t seek them to be humble in His presence in any way, the applause and its glory is their reward.


Throughout the history of salvation, there hasn’t been a pope whom preached the things Jorge Mario Bergoglio has taught, I can go on and on about all the heresies and straight up apostasy he has committed and proclaimed, but let’s keep it light this time… Francis said tattoos are not a sin.
“Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:28

The body IS the temple of the Holy Spirit, now answer this: would you put graffities in a temple? Any temple out there? Would you put graffities on them? No, of course not, but despite that, many temples are abused by criminals, now, in the case of your body, would you go with the way of the world instead of what God the Lord of Armies has proclaimed?

Tattooing is not like killing a man, stealing, or adultery, sure it is a sin, but it doesn’t have the same gravity as those mentioned before or so many others…

Will anyone go to Heaven with a single sin? No one will enter Heaven with a stain (Rev 21:27); I have heard priests teaching in the middle of mass, he said tattoos are not a sin following Francis antigospel, totally dismissing Almighty Father in Leviticus 19, very unwise by them, I tell you now, anyone knowingly or unknowingly, whom have ink in their bodies will taste purgatory, reparations must be made, God makes through Mercy, the impossible possible, and while in purgatory Justice is serve, so avoid tattoos, but also treat kindly those who have such marks in their bodies, we must always behave like citizens of Heaven.

It is definitely a sin; can you imagine the gravity of the sin KNOWING it is a sin and doing it for your own pleasure? Can you imagine the souls of those who engrave their “art” into the skin of people? Now can you imagine those artists who know but don’t care? When the mark of the beast comes along, people will be so spiritually numb that they’ll roll with such mark as a batch of honor. (I sincerely pray that not to be the case).

*Not praying the Rosary

There are people in this world that doesn’t know the Rosary at all, I mean, today a client of mine thought I was a Muslim when he saw me with my beads on my hand despite having a brown scapular on my neck, I had to tell him I was catholic, this is the type of people whom you could say they don’t know, right? But catholic laity, who are supposed to love the Lord and His Holy Mother should know, not praying the Rosary is a thing for any cafeteria catholic out there.

Like I’ve said earlier, the Rosary is the #1 most powerful collection of prayers Catholics have, it is not mandatory, sure… but, why try to destroy a mountain with a hammer when the Rosary is such a terrifying nuke for demons, they fear it so much.

A friend of mine did a Rosary for the first time under peer pressure, he was so mad, he felt he was forced to do the Rosary, and even worse, on his knees on hard floor… After the prayers were done, he said he couldn’t believe the amount of peace he achieved, never in his wildest dreams, he could’ve ever felt so good, but people should know, it isn’t easy for your flesh to do such a thing, when your flesh is incline to please the world and not the Spirit, when the Rosary is not prayed the world and demons are happy… we are not in the business of making demons happy, we are here to become saints and the Rosary helps with that.

True, so many people out there who are false prophets pray the Rosary too, but for them is a show, so they could be seen, for them it is nothing more than a religious society kind of thing, never an act of love, a true recital of the Rosary is always an act of love, when you recite for the salvation of someone and even more when you recite it in secret, so please… embrace our Lord and His Holy Mother and do pray it.

*Inside clothes Brown Scapular

When St. Simon Stock received the Brown scapular from our Holy Mother Mary {the first scapular given to the world}, She refers to the scapular as a “sign”, a sign of salvation. Some other literature speaks of a badge, but both things are meant to be seen. A sign is always displayed to be seen by all, NOT to be concealed or hidden, it is a sign of salvation our Holy Mother said the scapular was back then.

Most Catholics keep it under their shirts, this is a common mistake, if our Holy Mother said it is a sign, then it should be one, and what does this sign actually means… that YOU belong to the Lord! There’s a reason why She says: “He who dies with this clothe will be preserve from eternal fire.” That phrase alone is a promise, or how She said, a favor to those who honor God and Her will never taste eternal fire, so if you don’t taste such fires then the alternative is Heaven, it goes with what the Holy Word of God says, that all souls are His. (Ezekiel 18:4)

So, when you are clothed with a blessed brown scapular by a priest after him performing the prayers of mount Carmel, let it be seen by all, the first ever scapulars were worn on the outside NOT the inside, remember She said it is a sign and signs are meant to be seen.

*Not confessing well

I am no priest, all I have is my meager wisdom about confessing well, but I follow what I’ve known through the years, that a good examination of conscience is key and of course repentance and the desire to repair the damage done.

Now, the one thing I’ve come up with is how us Catholics do some stuff that makes us unworthy to have the Eucharist yet we go ahead and have it, not knowingly of course.

For those people who are like me, in which you fear our Lord sees our unworthiness because of some old sin you don’t remember, I think it would be best, with our heart in our hands, to come with a sincere repentant soul and ask forgiveness to God if you have ever eaten the Holy Flesh and Holy Blood of our Lord in a unworthy manner.

Again, a good examination of conscience will do, but sometimes our flesh loves to betray us, so that’s why I always say those words to be on the safe side, if I ever remember something, I will take it into the confessional even if it is a very old sin.

A big hug in Jesus Christ.