Sarah Palin and the Pro-Life Movement - Archbishop Chaput. Archbishop of Denver Charles J. Chauput discusses John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin has his Vice Presidential candidate, and her impact …More
Sarah Palin and the Pro-Life Movement - Archbishop Chaput.

Archbishop of Denver Charles J. Chauput discusses John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin has his Vice Presidential candidate, and her impact on the pro-life movement.

Complete video at: fora.tv/…/Uncommon_Knowle…
Juan Manuel Serra
Open Letter to His Majesty, the King of Spain
The letter asks His Majesty, the King of Spain, not to sign the Royal Decree by which the Regulation of the Mortuary Police pretends to be modified to not consider aborted babies as deserving a human burial, until the 7th month of pregnancy. Industrial crushing machines for aborted babies have been found in Catalonia, Spain. The worst HORROR …More
Open Letter to His Majesty, the King of Spain


The letter asks His Majesty, the King of Spain, not to sign the Royal Decree by which the Regulation of the Mortuary Police pretends to be modified to not consider aborted babies as deserving a human burial, until the 7th month of pregnancy. Industrial crushing machines for aborted babies have been found in Catalonia, Spain. The worst HORROR ABORTION CLINICS IN THE WORLD. HORROR IN SPAIN, HORROR IN SPAIN. The response of the Socialist government, with the support of the conservative opposition (afraid of loosing votes): to propose to change the regulations for mortuary police so that the crushing machines will be legal, and the sadly world famous LATE TERM abortion clinics will have no problem with getting rid of their "organic residues". The letter asks His Majesty, the King, in the name of the God of Life, not to sign the Royal Decree but to stand for the right to life of the conceived child, and start making Spain famous again not for her INHUMANITY BUT FOR HER HUMANITY. The letter defends the right, at least, to a decent burial of the aborted baby from the first few weeks of pregnancy forward. A right guaranteed by the present regulation. To deny this right is to take a giant leap towards the most brutal inhumanity of Paganism.

Your Majesty:

I am a diocesan priest of the Diocese of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, next to Barcelona (Spain). I have spent about 4 years doing a campaign of sensibilization against the horrifying crime of abortion, especially in Catalonia (North East of Spain). Catalonia has become in the past years, the European and perhaps the world capital of this crime, to the great shame of all Catalans. To make matters worse, we are perhaps the unique nation of the world that has in its “constitution” (Autonomy Statute) the right to abortion (article 41,5). This makes it absolutely unconstitutional, because it contradicts the RIGHT OF ALL TO LIFE (article 15 of the Spanish Constitution). Here in Catalonia, 22,000. abortions are performed every year. This means about 60 every day: every day (the equivalent to) two primary school classrooms are sacrificed, in about 21 “human slaughter houses” (no autonomous community in Spain has so many human slaughter houses). We have the sad record of one of the lowest, if not the lowest, birth rates in the world.

Your Majesty, I dare address myself to you as a last resort in the face of a situation of extreme urgency which only you, with the help of God, as the last guarantor of the dignity of the human person in Spain, can begin to put remedy to.

You know that in a Barcelona abortion clinic, Ginemedex, to the great shame of all the Spaniards throughout the world (the Headlines in the Catholic News Media in Latin America were “HORROR IN SPAIN”), crushing machines for aborted babies, have been found, connected the water-drainage of the W.C They were supposedly used to get rid of the “remains” of aborted babies from late-term abortions. In fact, apparently it has been possible to verify that indeed in the sewer of the clinic there were human remains.

For a long time the European mass media has spoken of “Horror Chambers” and “Death Camps” in reference to the Barcelona clinics specialized in late-term abortions. According to some protected witnesses of the legal process against the Ginemedex clinic, supposedly tons and tons of aborted babies would have been crushed, some of them half asphyxiated, therefore while still alive. The supposed common practice, according to these witnesses, was to induce childbirth and to behead the babies when their head came out, or to pull them by the legs leaving the head inside the uterus of the mother, perforating the back of the neck and then sucking the brain out, thus making sure that the child was born dead and it could not cry and the mother could not heard her son or daughter which was being killed (abortions by partial birth, very common when the pregnancies are advanced: authentic infanticides).

These late term abortions were a source of considerable income (4 to 6 thousand Euros, instead of the 400 Euros for “a normal” abortion) but naturally they created a serious problem at the time of eliminating the “residues”, and thus the use of the crushing machines. The one found in the Ginemedex clinic, is an industrial machine, the STR2000 (scroll down to see a diagrama of the machine) (also see this). It crushes about 400 kilos of meat and bone in one hour. It is used by slaughter houses and big hotels with large kitchens and great quantities of “organic residues”. We do not have the video of the machine connected to the W.C. in operation, but we know, through the protected witnesses, that it often clogged itself and that it was necessary to repair it several times (the maintenance bills have been found in the container in front of the clinic). According to experts, it supposedly crushed literally tons and tons of aborted babies. We are thus, indeed, talking about authentic “Horror Chambers” and “Death Camps”: HORROR IN SPAIN, HORROR IN SPAIN!

Your Majesty, apparently, as impossible as it may seam, the answer of our government, with the supposed endorsement of the main opposition party (led by a purely electioneering iniquitous calculation, leaving aside his supposed Christian convictions), has been the to propose a change, by ROYAL DECREE, in the regulation of the mortuary police. The present regulation forces abortion “clinics” to consider as corpses the remains of an abortion, when they are human remains “of sufficient

entity” (and they are so from the 11th or 12th weeks onward, when one can clearly see little feet and little hands). And as such corpses, the present regulation makes it compulsory to give them the treatment that every human corpse deserves: the transfer in a car of the Funeral Services to a cemetery, for its later incineration or decent burial.

This certainly entails an embarrassing proceeding for the "clinics" of death, since "that" which was eliminated was, according to them, simply “a part of the body of the mother” as a nail or a bunch of hairs would be. For that reason these “clinics” have asked, and the government, with the supposed support of the opposition, has granted that the regulation of the mortuary police be changed, by Royal Decree, so that the “remains” of an abortion are not considered “human remains of sufficient entity” until after the 28th week of pregnancy (when the 7 months are about to be completed).

Your Majesty, we are reaching totally inadmissible levels of inhumanity that put in danger the very foundations of our society. If we do not protect the right to the life of ALL (article 15 of our Spanish Constitution), also of those conceived but still not born (the “ALL”, of article 15, is deliberately inclusive: it does not say “all citizens” or “all people” or “all Spaniards”, it simply says “ALL”, and “ALL” is ALL), if we do not protect the right to life of ALL, leaving the weakest among us (the conceived, but still unborn, human being) without any protection at all, not even with the right to be buried with dignity, then we are laying the foundations of a very violent society which will end up by destroying itself.

Your Majesty, Is this not already happening to us, somehow? Not only in our country but throughout the world, where the number of abortions is of about 50.000.000 a year: an authentic SILENCED HOLOCAUSTO. Only in Europe they are about 1.250.000 every year: the first cause of death in Europe. From 1973, year of the legalization of the crime of abortion in the United Sates of America, 1.440.000.000 abortions are estimated to have been performed in the world (a fourth of humanity is missing). And these are only the surgical abortions. The chemical ones (those caused by the famous abortion pill) and those caused by the anticonception abortion methods, are impossible to count. Do we not have the reign of what Pope John Paul II called the Culture of the Death? And how not to remember the 100,000. daily deaths from hunger and misery in our world; “abortions” of people already born who die before time because a crually unsolidary world denies them the most basic right to LIFE!

Your Majesty, I allow myself to remind you of the words of a great defender of the weakest of this world, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who being a simple missionary in a country where Christians are an insignificant minority (India), she received the honors of a state funeral, as if the very Head of State had died:

"The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."

Your Majesty, if the obligation stays, as marked by the present regulation of the mortuary police, to properly bury or to incinerate the human remains of an abortion from the first few weeks onward, then, at least a humanizing message is already given to society. This will already cause many people to think about, and reconsider, the value of human life from the moment of conception. However, if we accepted without any resistance at all that it becomes legal to crush and to throw down the water-drainage an aborted baby of 7 MONTHS, then we are taking a giant leap towards the most brutal inhumanity of Paganism.

Your Majesty, in the name of the God of the Life, do not sign this Royal Decree of infamy.

Your Majesty, may Spain be famous again throughout the world because of her HUMANITY and not because of her INHUMANITY. You, as the Head of State, with the sure help of God, can begin to make it possible.

Receive my blessings for you and all your family.


Father Joan Manuel Serra

Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona), September 22nd, 2008
Feast of Saint Matthew, the Evangelist

Yes to Truth and Life


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