510 civilians killed by Myanmar security forces so far | SW News | 225 Number of Catholics crossed 1.34 billion in 2019: L’Osservatore Romano Now here is some good news for the Church. L’Osservatore …More
510 civilians killed by Myanmar security forces so far | SW News | 225
Number of Catholics crossed 1.34 billion in 2019: L’Osservatore Romano Now here is some good news for the Church. L’Osservatore Romano has reported that the number of Catholics across the world at the end of 2019 exceeded 1.34 billion, marking an increase of 16 million. Quoting the Statistical Yearbook of the Church, the report says there has been a 1.12 per cent increase in the number of believers compared to 2018 while the global population went up by 1.08 per cent. Unrest continues in Myanmar, 510 civilians killed by security forces so far In crisis-hit Myanmar, the brutal crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters is continuing. The Buddhist-majority nation has been witnessing daily protests against the military junta ever since it took over power in a coup on February 1. Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco decries hate crimes targeting Asians With the United States witnessing a spurt in the number of hate crimes targeting Asians, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco has come out with a statement urging an end to violence. In his statement, he says the rise in violence against Asian origin people is alarming and horrific, adding that his city has always been an epicentre of Asian-American culture. Pro-lifers seek end to DIY abortions in Britain After the pandemic restrictions were put in place in England and Wales, more than 70,000 women have undergone DIY home abortions since March last year. This shocking figure was revealed by Care For Women, an association of pro-life groups. Activists championing the sanctity of life have been urging British authorities to revoke the temporary permission for at-home abortion, terming such measures as a “cruel experiment”. Colombian bishops urge 100-day ceasefire In the Latin American nation of Colombia, which has been witnessing conflict for decades between government troops and guerrilla groups, three Catholic bishops have come out demanding a truce. Bishops Juan Carlos Barreto, Jesus Alvarez Gomez Hugo and Alberto Torres Martin have issued a statement appealing to the armed groups for a 100-day ceasefire. British bishop urges just approach to people seeking asylum As Britain looks at significantly overhauling its asylum system, the Lead Bishop of Migrants and Refugees of the episcopal conference of England and Wales has sought a just approach to those seeking asylum. Bishop Paul McAleenan has said the help provided to people fleeing war and poverty “is a fundamental test of society.” Gregorian University professor says child abuse is on the rise during pandemic crisis While the lockdown following the pandemic outbreak has been pretty much difficult for people worldwide, a new study has revealed children are suffering more. Katharina Anna Fuchs, a faculty of the Pontifical Gregorian University who focuses on child protection, says the pandemic crisis has significantly increased the risk of children being exploited.