Obama Ad Panders to Catholics, Ignores His Abortion Record

Picture ~ The Pro-Abortion Megalomaniac

Obama Ad Panders to Catholics, Ignores His Abortion Record

The campaign to coverup President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record in his campaign’s outreach to Catholic voters has begun in earnest.

Already, a Catholic University of America professor is under fire for claiming Obama is pro-life and saying he deserves re-election. Now, the Obama re-election campaign has released a new vide that one leading pro-life Catholic activist calls “laughably lame” in its attempt to “gin up support for his “Catholics for Obama” group.”

The ad contains no mention of Obama’s promotion of abortion, abortion funding, funding Planned Parenthood or the HHS mandate that has drawn strong opposition from Catholics and the Catholic bishops.

The full article can be read Here.
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Selections about LIFEMore

Selections about LIFE
If you want to get some idea of the de-christianization of America I suggest you read Suicide of a SuperPower by Patrick J. Buchanan. It was a real eye-opener for me. Without our King - Jesus Christ - our culture and country will not survive the onslaught of our enemies who bombard us with their Facist and Marxist ideals. WAKE UP!
Catholics follow the teachings of the Church. I pray that our bishops become more vocal in publically denouncing those who present themselves as Catholics in favor of proChoice.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Today, there are all too many Unitarian/Universalists in this country masquerading as Catholics
In my opinion, the fact that so many Catholics voted, and will again vote, for Obama has much to do with the demographic makeup of the Catholic vote.
Mexicans/Hispanics - Catholic, and heavily influenced by the marxist nature of the societies in their lands …More

Today, there are all too many Unitarian/Universalists in this country masquerading as Catholics

In my opinion, the fact that so many Catholics voted, and will again vote, for Obama has much to do with the demographic makeup of the Catholic vote.

Mexicans/Hispanics - Catholic, and heavily influenced by the marxist nature of the societies in their lands of origin.

Irish - Many Irish people are the descendants of semi-recent immigrants. Back when the waves of Irish people came, they generally joined the Democrat party. Now, their spawn continue to cling to unexamined and outdated idea of the Boston-Irish, NY-Irish, blue collar immigrant experience. Even though this does not apply to many of them any longer, they continue to hold onto it. So, they vote (D).

Some say that the RCC has socialistic leanings in its social teachings -- I've studied this thoroughly, and I've concluded personally that it is not true. However, a superficial examination of Church teachings can certainly lead one to think the Church is socialist, due in part to the mealy-mouthed verbiage of recent teachings.

Furthermore, why would a liberal be influenced by the Church's teachings on some matters, but not other such as abortion, gay "marriage," etc? Rather, it seems rather that they wish to vote liberally and will do so, and some just use a mixed-up interpretation of Church teachings to justify it.

And of course many Catholics, like much of the population at large, and just plain idiots. The idiot-factor cannot underestimated.