Anne Barrett Doyle (Bishop Acountability) calls on @Pontifex to “commission independent investigation of hierarchy’s handling of Rupnik case,”

ROME: Speaking at presser with Fr Rupnik victims, Anne Barrett Doyle (Bishop Acountability) calls on
@Pontifex to “commission independent investigation of hierarchy’s handling of Rupnik case,” & asks if #PopeFrancis was directly involved in aiding Rupnik or covering up his abuse.

Alleged victims of Father Rupnik call for 'truth and justice' as answers demanded from Vatican - LifeSite (

The predator Rupnik wanted other nuns to have sex with them demanding sexual threesomes. He also took them to watch pornographic films.

Proverbs 17:15
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God.

la verdad prevalece ROME: Speaking at presser with Fr Rupnik victims, Anne Barrett Doyle (Bishop Acountability) calls on
to “commission independent investigation of hierarchy’s handling of Rupnik case,” & asks if #PopeFrancis was directly involved in aiding Rupnik or covering up his abuse.