Sept. 10 Bl. Francisco Gárate--------------------------------------------------uploaded by irapuato. Reflection for 9/10/10 www.apostleshipofprayer.orgMore
Sept. 10 Bl. Francisco Gárate--------------------------------------------------uploaded by irapuato.

Reflection for 9/10/10 www.apostleshipofprayer.org
A Portrait of Blessed Francisco Garate. During his childhood and adolescence, Francisco Garate was bound to see the Jesuits being expelled from Loyola, first in 1868 by the “gloriosa revolución” of the First Republic, and later on in 1870, in the wake of the carlist revolt of Azpeitia and Azcoitia. This is why, when he wanted to join the Society in 1874, he had to do so at Poyanne, France, where …More
A Portrait of Blessed Francisco Garate. During his childhood and adolescence, Francisco Garate was bound to see the Jesuits being expelled from Loyola, first in 1868 by the “gloriosa revolución” of the First Republic, and later on in 1870, in the wake of the carlist revolt of Azpeitia and Azcoitia. This is why, when he wanted to join the Society in 1874, he had to do so at Poyanne, France, where the Castile Province had its novitiate since 1869. Two years later, he took his first religious vows at Poyanne itself, which he left on 29 October 1877 to be sacristan and infirmarian in the college of La Guardia. He took his Last Vows there on 15 August 1887. Toward the end of March 1888 he was appointed to the University of Deusto, where he was Doorkeeper and Sacristan for over 41 years, till his death on 9 September 1929. In the performance of these duties he distinguished himself by his courteous ways (he was nicknamed Brother Courtesy), his welcoming and negotiating skill, his serenity, discretion, humility, detachment and union with God. Daily virtues practiced in a heroic degree all through his life. His remains, initially buried in the local cemetery, were later transferred to the University of Deusto and placed in the pavement of its public chapel. The ordinary process of investigation was made in the diocese of Vitoria and sent to Rome in February 1941. His cause was subsequently introduced in virtue of a decree by Pius XII on 26 February 1950. A reform in the building of Deusto University caused the transfer of his body from the public chapel to a little chapel prepared in the University’s vestibule, close to the door he had minded for 41 years. On 11 February 1982 John Paul II declared him to be fit to be declared a saint. The decree accepting the miracle attributed to him was issued on 9 May 1985, and John Paul II proceeded to his solemn beatification on 6 October 1985. As recalled in tablet at the entrance, in 1949 Miss Conchita Aztiria and Zabala Anchieta donated the Errekarte farm-house to the Society of Jesus. Following this transfer, it was restored under the guidance of Joaquín de Irízar and submitted to a further restoration in 1985, on the eve of Brother Garate’s beatification. www.santuariodeloyola.org/garate-farm-house.html