Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko - Polish Priest and Martyr. catholicnewsagency on Jun 10, 2010 Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko was a Polish Parish Priest who was killed for promoting a message of freedom and human …More
Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko - Polish Priest and Martyr.

catholicnewsagency on Jun 10, 2010 Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko was a Polish Parish Priest who was killed for promoting a message of freedom and human dignity. The Chaplain of the Solidarity Movement, Fr. Jerzy believed that Marxism wasn't compatible with human rights. He was killed by the Communist secret police in 1984 and beatified on June 6, 2010.
Błogosławiony Męczenniku,Księże Jerzy!
Twoje życie i męczeństwo przywodzi nam na pamięć rzesze ludzi,którzy w trudnych czasach otaczali ołtarz,by modlić się za potrzebujących,cierpiących i poszukujących nadziei na lepsze jutro.Jako kapłan wskazywałeś ludziom dobro,które winno być zawsze celem dążeń,wypełnieniem prawa miłości Boga i …
Błogosławiony Męczenniku,Księże Jerzy!
Twoje życie i męczeństwo przywodzi nam na pamięć rzesze ludzi,którzy w trudnych czasach otaczali ołtarz,by modlić się za potrzebujących,cierpiących i poszukujących nadziei na lepsze jutro.Jako kapłan wskazywałeś ludziom dobro,które winno być zawsze celem dążeń,wypełnieniem prawa miłości Boga i bliźniego.Umocnieni Twoim nauczaniem,prosimy Cię,nasz nowy Orędowniku,o Twoje wstawiennictwo u Boga,byśmy umieli wyzwalać się od zła i nienawiści.Prosimy Ciebie,który sam doświadczyłeś w chwili męczeństwa okrucieństwa wód wiślanych, otwórz serca rodaków na potrzeby oczekujących pomocy w dniach katastrofy powodzi.Uproś nam u Boga dar pogody,byśmy mogli bezpiecznie żyć na naszej ziemi.Wypraszaj rządzącym łaskę odpowiedzialności za podejmowane decyzje,które winny mieć na uwadze przede wszystkim dobro społeczności,której służą.Uproś wspólnocie narodu polskiego łaskę jedności i solidarności w życiu rodzinnym i społecznym.Niech za Twoim przykładem wszyscy uczą się,jak miłować każdego człowieka-a Ty przyczyniaj się u Pana do kształtowania naszych sumień,by kierowały się zasadą:Zło dobrem zwyciężaj!Amen.
Modlitwę ułożył ks.Ireneusz Skubiś
Mother Leads Rosary at Son's Beatification
Poles Celebrate Memory of Priest, Martyr of Communism
WARSAW, Poland, JUNE 7, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Armed only with "truth, justice and charity," Father Jerzy Popieluszko sought to maintain and give witness to his freedom of conscience as a citizen and a priest.
This was how the Polish priest was described by Archbishop Angelo …More
Mother Leads Rosary at Son's Beatification

Poles Celebrate Memory of Priest, Martyr of Communism

WARSAW, Poland, JUNE 7, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Armed only with "truth, justice and charity," Father Jerzy Popieluszko sought to maintain and give witness to his freedom of conscience as a citizen and a priest.
This was how the Polish priest was described by Archbishop Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, when he presided over Sunday's beatification of Father Popieluszko.
The priest's mother, Marianna Popieluszko, led a rosary prayed before the Mass.
Father Popieluszko (1947-1984) was chaplain of Poland's Solidarity Movement, which was instrumental in the resistance to Communism.
The priest was killed by the Communist secret police in 1984.
Thousands of faithful attended his beatification, celebrated by some 100 prelates in addition to Archbishop Amato, who represented the Pope. Among the concelebrants was Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The current president of the Solidarity Movement, Janusz Sniadek, told ZENIT that Blessed Popieluszko is the "patron of social solidarity and of all those who witness to truth."
In his homily, Archbishop Amato affirmed that the sacrifice of this priest "was not a defeat."
"His executioners were not able to kill the truth," he said.
"In fact, the tragic death of our martyr was the beginning of a general conversion of hearts to the Gospel," Archbishop Amato added, noting that "the death of martyrs is, in fact, the seed of Christians."
After the beatification Mass, Father Popieluszko's relics were carried in a procession that stretched 14 kilometers (8.7 miles).
Oct. 19 Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjɛʐɨ popʲɛˈwuʂkɔ]; September 14, 1947[1] – October 19, 1984) was a Roman Catholic priest from Poland, associated with the Solidarity union. He was murdered by three agents of the Polish communist internal intelligence agency, the Służba Bezpieczeństwa, (English: Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) who were shortly …More
Oct. 19 Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjɛʐɨ popʲɛˈwuʂkɔ]; September 14, 1947[1] – October 19, 1984) was a Roman Catholic priest from Poland, associated with the Solidarity union. He was murdered by three agents of the Polish communist internal intelligence agency, the Służba Bezpieczeństwa, (English: Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) who were shortly thereafter tried and convicted of the murder. He has been recognized as a martyr by the Catholic Church, and was beatified on June 6, 2010.[2]
Life and work
Born in Okopy near Suchowola, Jerzy Popiełuszko was a charismatic priest who was first sent to strikers in the Warsaw Steelworks. Thereafter he was associated with workers and trade unionists from the Solidarity movement who opposed the Communist regime in Poland.
He was a staunch anti-communist, and in his sermons, interwove spiritual exhortations with political messages, criticizing the Communist system and motivating people to protest. During the period of martial law, the Catholic Church was the only force that could voice protest comparatively openly, with the regular celebration of Mass presenting opportunities for public gatherings in churches.
Popiełuszko's sermons were routinely broadcast by Radio Free Europe, and thus became famous throughout Poland for their uncompromising stance against the regime. The Służba Bezpieczeństwa tried to silence or intimidate him. When those techniques did not work, they fabricated evidence against him; he was arrested in 1983, but soon released on intervention of the clergy and pardoned by an amnesty.
[edit] Assassination
A car accident was set up to kill Jerzy Popiełuszko on October 13, 1984, but he escaped it. The alternative plan was to kidnap him, and it was carried out on October 19, 1984. The priest was beaten and murdered by three Security Police officers. Then, his body was dumped into the Vistula Water Reservoir near Włocławek from where it was recovered on October 30, 1984.[3]
News of the political murder caused an uproar throughout Poland, and the murderers and one of their superiors were convicted of the crime. More than 250,000 people, including Lech Wałęsa, attended his funeral on November 3, 1984. Despite the murder and its repercussions, the Communist regime remained in power until 1989. Popiełuszko's murderers - Captain Grzegorz Piotrowski, Leszek Pękala, Waldemar Chmielewski and Colonel Adam Pietruszka (responsible for giving them the order to kill) - were jailed but released later as part of an amnesty.[3]
In 1997, the Roman Catholic Church started the process of his beatification and by 2008 he had Servant of God status. On December 19, 2009, it was announced that Pope Benedict XVI had approved the decree of beatification of Father Popiełuszko.[4] He was beatified on June 6, 2010 in Warsaw's Piłsudski Square. His mother, Marianna Popiełuszko, who had reached 100 years of age a few days earlier, was present at the event.[5]
Popiełuszko became a recipient of the Order of the White Eagle (posthumous, 2009).[6]
[edit] Legacy
[edit] Media
Noted Polish composer Andrzej Panufnik wrote his Bassoon Concerto (1985) in memory of Popiełuszko, and the work is very specifically inspired by Popiełuszko's work and death.[7]
Christopher Lambert played a character inspired by Popiełuszko in the film To Kill a Priest.
A track entitled "Homily to Popiełuszko" is featured on the B-side to the album Flajelata (1986) by Muslimgauze. The entire B-side of that album is dedicated to all dissidents from the Soviet Union.
Ronald Harwood's documentary drama The Deliberate Death of a Polish Priest was premiered at the Almeida Theatre in 1985 October — an early example of a theatre transcript of a trial, in this case the trial of Popiełuszko's murderers.
A movie, Popiełuszko, documenting the life and death of Popiełuszko was released in Poland in February 2009.
[edit] Monuments
A monument to Fr. Popiełuszko in the form of a symbolic gravestone in the shape of a cross was erected by Chicago's Polish community in the garden of memory next to St. Hyacinth Basilica.
A monument to Fr. Popiełuszko in the form of a bust bearing his likeness with a chain wrapped about his neck was erected on the property of Saint Hedwig Catholic Church in Trenton, New Jersey.
There is also a monument to Fr. Popieluszko in the form of a bust bearing his likeness in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
On the 6th June 2010, more than 100,000 people attended an open-air mass in the Polish capital Warsaw to beatify Father Jerzy Popieluszko. Poland Post issued a set of stamps on that same day to mark the beatification.[8]
[edit] See also
To Kill a Priest (1988 Fr.), a movie directed by Agnieszka Holland and starring Christopher Lambert as a character based on Jerzy Popiełuszko[9]
To Kill A Priest: The Murder of Father Popieluszko and the Fall of Communism by Kevin Ruane (London: Gibson Books, 2004),[1] ISBN 978-1-903933-54-1 / 1-903933-54-4.
[edit] References
^ "Jerzy Popiełuszko" in Encyklopedia PWN (in Polish)
^ Polish priest Father Popieluszko 'martyr' beatified, BBC News (June 6, 2010)
^ a b BBC: On This Day
^ Pope decrees beatification of Poland's 'Solidarity chaplain'
^ Gazeta Współczesna (in Polish)
^ Order Orła Białego dla Księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki, Prezydent.pl, 19.10.2009 (in Polish)
^ Boosey and Hawkes program note for Andrzej Panufnik's Bassoon Concerto.
^ World Stamp News
^ To Kill a Priest: review, Entertainment Weekly, April 6, 1990
[edit] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Jerzy Popiełuszko
Interview with Popieluszko for BBC, on September 1984
Museum of Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko
Popiełuszko. Wolność jest w nas (AKA: Popiełuszko. Freedom is inside us), film, 2009