Why do we veil the Crucifixes and the Statues? Link to album hereMore
Why do we veil the Crucifixes and the Statues?
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Tom Morelli
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Because Christ hid from the Jews who wanted to kill Him.
Tom Morelli
🤔 Hmmm....hadn't heard that one before.
@Tom Morelli
That is the real traditional cause but probably new global religion won't tell you about it.
The Passiontide period starts with the Passion Sunday when John 8 Gospel is read. The Jews want to stone Christ and he hids himself.
Cf. e.g.:
"The interpreters of the Liturgy tell us, that this ceremony of veiling the Crucifix, during Passiontide, expresses the humiliation, to which our Saviour …More
@Tom Morelli
That is the real traditional cause but probably new global religion won't tell you about it.

The Passiontide period starts with the Passion Sunday when John 8 Gospel is read. The Jews want to stone Christ and he hids himself.

Cf. e.g.:
"The interpreters of the Liturgy tell us, that this ceremony of veiling the Crucifix, during Passiontide, expresses the humiliation, to which our Saviour subjected himself, of
hiding himself when the Jews threatened to stone him, as is related in the Gospel of Passion Sunday." (Dom Prosper Gueranger: The Liturgical Year, vol. VI)

"The crosses are veiled because Christ during this time no longer walked openly among the people, but hid himself. Hence in the papal chapel the veiling formerly took place at the words of the Gospel: "Jesus autem abscondebat se."