Priests for Life voter guide

Priests for Life voter guide presents a stark contrast in the 2012 election

NEW YORK, September 7, 2012, ( - Priests for Life (PFL) has published a one-page voter’s guide with a simple breakdown of the two presidential candidates’ positions on social issues.

"The key question is not simply what the candidate believes."

The guide, available in English and Spanish, showcases quotes from President Obama and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on issues ranging from abortion funding and religious liberty to gay marriage, immigration, and education vouchers.

The flyer has been legally approved for distribution by churches and 501(c)3 organizations, a guarantee backed up by attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom.

“On Election Day, our country will make critical decisions about the types of leaders we will have for years to come. If you have not been doing so, it is time to begin looking more carefully at the candidates who will be running,” said the national pro-life group this week.
I have become disheartened with voters who claim to be Christian, but make dishonest excuses for candidates who do not support their values. TY for the post. I'm sharing.