martin fischer

Heart Sound Decree. Hungary tightened abortion rules on 15th of September. "Magyar Nemzet" newspaper: Right decision, the death cult is on the rise!

In Hungary there is a new requirement for abortions: Pregnant women must now listen to the heart sounds of their embryo before applying for an abortion with a gynaecologist. This is to "clearly inform them of the presence of the embryo's vital functions".

Szívhang miatt őrjöngők

Today is a historic day: the "heartbeat ordinance" of Sándor Pintér has entered into force. Following the decision of the Minister of Interior, women who request the murder of their foetus must now listen to their child's heartbeat and take a look at its ultrasound image. Only then can gynaecologists carry out the fatal operation - if the blessed 'mother' persists in her original intention to kill after listening to the heartbeat and looking at the ultrasound image. If she persists, the doctor will bring the necessary equipment, a certain "stick blender" (the name Katalin Cseh - as a former obstetrician-gynecologist - laughed so sweetly at in a radio show in 2015), and with its help, she will neatly cut the child to the ground. After that, she will have no heartbeat - at least not for the child, whose misfortune has thrown her into a degenerate age in which shooting a sick boar or cutting down a hollow tree is a virtual lynching, while destroying healthy human fetuses is a 'human right' to be celebrated.

But if the mother (now without quotation marks), listening to the voice of her heart and her awakening conscience, does not stick to her original killing intent, then several joyful things happen at the same time. Most importantly, a human life is saved, given a chance to be born, to live happily, to love its mother, and then to pass on life. The mother does not acquire unhealed psychological wounds. In addition to the psychological scars, infanticide (or, as the technocrats of our sick age have dubbed it, "abortion") is another common consequence of infertility, which is thus also not threatened. Another additional benefit: a gynaecologist sworn to protect human life does not have to carry out a murder contrary to his oath. Everyone benefits.

Although Hungary's constitution states that 'the life of the foetus is protected from conception', in reality, unfortunately, this protection is not in place. In fact, the law on the protection of foetal life, which is lower than the Basic Law, does allow infanticide in a 'serious crisis situation', and with state support. However, no one can verify the reality of a serious crisis situation; the authorities must take note of it on the basis of a declaration. As a result, around 30,000 Hungarian children are killed in the womb every year, even though many regret the hasty decision, often taken in a state of narrowed consciousness. But then there is no turning back. In Hungary, the overwhelming majority of abortions - 97% - are not requested because the child was conceived by force, suffers from a developmental disorder or the mother's life would be endangered by childbirth (these would be acceptable reasons), but because the 'parents' do not want the baby at that time. They don't have the time, money or brains.

It is horrible to think that thousands of infertile Hungarian couples would give everything they have just to have a baby. Those who don't want a child so badly that they can destroy it, why not give it up for adoption? From this point of view: the present is the most hideous period in human history. We are already more dangerous to ourselves than we are to the public.

The present heartbeat testament is a small victory of the pro-lifers over the death cult. A faint glimmer of hope that the heartbeat might inspire something in her. If she has a conscience, she'll be her mother - if not, she'll be her doom. Perhaps the slogan 'abortion' was invented so that the client would not be struck by the fact that it is in fact murder. So that he would not have to face his conscience at the crucial moment. But look! That's what the heart sound test is for. From now on, all pro-life people have good reason to hope that the number of foetocides will continue to fall.

The fact that the death cult is on the rampage shows that it's a good decision. Katalin Botmixeres, for example, argued that listening to the heartbeat "does not lead to fewer abortions, but to more people with psychological damage. It makes the pregnant woman feel that she is committing a sin." But she is committing a sin, hello! Murder is a crime. And the one who commits it, without a heartbeat, will be mentally damaged, whether he regrets it later or not. However, those who change their minds in time (and there will be many, I think) will not be haunted by their conscience later on and will be happy that they made the right decision. Katalin Cseh also wrote: "it is a long-lasting trauma for most people. Still, it is their decision." Well, no! According to the great, sacred liberal doctrines, everyone's freedom lasts as long as it does not infringe on the freedom of others. And the resulting foetus is another living being, its heart beating, not to be destroyed at will.
Thirty thousand lives lost every year. What is a national tragedy for us is a "human right" for the death cultists. What is life to us - to them it is just a "clump of cells". We see the world as the work of the Creator, we think in terms of family, of nation. Liberals, on the other hand, deny God, see themselves as the highest being, their horizons extend to the tip of their noses, they believe the galaxy revolves around them, their desires, needs, perversions are the unscrupulous expression of life itself, and anyone who obstructs them or dares to speak to them must be treated in the same way as a few weeks old, defenceless foetus.
There are two Hungarians. These two Hungarians are irreconcilably opposed to each other. We say: we Hungarians. And they say: me, me, me! What should we negotiate with those who are demonstrating for the right to murder? Who would destroy everything that serves the survival of our communities? Who would promote gender reassignment among our kindergarten children? Those who would destroy our national community by resettling hundreds of thousands of barbarians? We are us - and they are them. We want human life - and they want to destroy the work of the Creator, everything that has worked for thousands of years. We have nowhere to retreat. So let us attack!

Text taken from Hungarian newspaper Mgyar Nemzet by Martin Fischer