De la Cigoña published an article back in Dec 26, 2011 -"Bergoglio's Pawns"

Photo- Public profile of Pedacchio on Badoo

Pedacchio was Cardinal Bergoglio's spy. «What comes from Rome goes to Rome». Romes decision depend upon the information they receive and that impacts the dissemination and processing of how such information is prioritized. The Cardinal, Archbishop of Buenos Aires knows the ambitions of power very well. Cardinal Bergoglio known how to tell lies with half-truths – or inflated, or disguised as appropriate in each case. But he does not hesitate, when necessary to lies plain and simple. The truth is that to weave his web of power and influence over the bishops and their appointments; as well as priests and seminarians can shoot slurs or libel and, above all, know how to artfully direct them. It does from trained informants who, violating the confidentiality to which obliges the pontifical secret, tells you about everything that comes to Rome on topics or people you care about. Later, these same informants are responsible for «reporting» or «hide information» to the Roman authorities, manipulating agendas by the Cardinal - «The Jesuit», as it is called by the title of a work commissioned to exalt him. One of the most important pivots in this manipulation of information is an Argentine priest , "planted" by the Cardinal in the service of the Congregation for Bishops where all information related to the bishops of the whole world is run. -But what was particularly interesting to the Cardinal was Latinamerica, above all, with regard to the Argentine bishops. The disloyalty of this priest of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires is known by many, but apparently nothing is done about it. (Pedacchio) is not the only informant of the Cardinal but it is perhaps the most notorious. And given his job, one of the most dangerous.

Translated from Spanish:
Publicado XII-2011

por De la Cigoña

Secretario Papal en sitio "non sancto ":
Tradición Digital Pagina Católica…papal-en-sitio-non-sancto.html…rdo-boff-hereje-asqueroso.html

«During the time that Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Pedacchio worked in the Curia they spoke by phone on a weekly basis, and even shared documents by fax. After the conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI, Pedacchio commented on the rumors that had Bergoglio finishing in second place during the voting»…ctua-como-secretario-del-papa/
«The Horror!
A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio
We have many friends around the world, including in the dear Argentine Republic. And we asked a cherished friend Marcelo González, of Panorama Católico Internacional, who knows the Church of Argentina as well as the palm of his hand to send us a report on the new pope. Here it goes:
The Horror!More…/the-horror-buen…
«The Horror!
A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio
We have many friends around the world, including in the dear Argentine Republic. And we asked a cherished friend Marcelo González, of Panorama Católico Internacional, who knows the Church of Argentina as well as the palm of his hand to send us a report on the new pope. Here it goes:

The Horror!

Of all the unthinkable candidates, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is perhaps the worst. Not because he openly professes doctrines against the faith and morals, but because, judging from his work as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, faith and moral seem to have been irrelevant to him.

A sworn enemy of the Traditional Mass, he has only allowed imitations of it in the hands of declared enemies of the ancient liturgy. He has persecuted every single priest who made an effort to wear a cassock, preach with firmness, or that was simply interested in Summorum Pontificum.

Famous for his inconsistency (at times, for the unintelligibility of his addresses and homilies), accustomed to the use of coarse, demagogical, and ambiguous expressions, it cannot be said that his magisterium is heterodox, but rather non-existent for how confusing it is.

His entourage in the Buenos Aires Curia, with the exception of a few clerics, has not been characterized by the virtue of their actions. Several are under grave suspicion of moral misbehavior.

He has not missed any occasion for holding acts in which he lent his Cathedral to Protestants, Muslims, Jews, and even to partisan groups in the name of an impossible and unnecessary interreligious dialogue. He is famous for his meetings with protestants in the Luna Park arena where, together with preacher of the Pontifical House, Raniero Cantalamessa, he was "blessed" by Protestant ministers, in a common act of worship in which he, in practice, accepted the validity of the "powers" of the TV-pastors.

This election is incomprehensible: he is not a polyglot, he has no Curial experience, he does not shine for his sanctity, he is loose in doctrine and liturgy, he has not fought against abortion and only very weakly against homosexual "marriage" [approved with practically no opposition from the episcopate], he has no manners to honor the Pontifical Throne. He has never fought for anything else than to remain in positions of power.

It really cannot be what Benedict wanted for the Church. And he does not seem to have any of the conditions required to continue his work.

May God help His Church. One can never dismiss, as humanly hard as it may seem, the possibility of a conversion... and, nonetheless, the future terrifies us.».
Isaiah 3:9-11
9 The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.

Woe to them! Woe unto their soul!
They have brought disaster upon themselves.
10 Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
11 Woe to the wicked!
Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
for what their hands have done.
Isaiah 3:9-11
9 The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.

Woe to them! Woe unto their soul!
They have brought disaster upon themselves.
10 Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
11 Woe to the wicked!
Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
for what their hands have done.

🤨 Infovaticana Webpage also said about Monsignor Fabián Pedacchio Leaniz : «He is fan of Almodovar's films and has a profile on the social network Badoo.
In his profile on the social network it said " to meet new people, flirt(Ligar) and chat " Badoo is defined as" Pedacchio Fabian, 49, Uomo "also loves opera, the novels of Gabriel García Márquez and the films of Pedro Almodóvar which has these astonishing words:
"It's a great creative. I saw all his films. They have sex scenes, but it is only one ingredient. Back when I was watching me like a rave, but at the end I realized it was genius. It was so good it makes Penelope Cruz look ugly and sure to win the Oscar.»