Thank the U.S. Bishops for Obamacare

Thank the U.S. Bishops for Obamacare

The bishops, who have been adamantly opposing the Obamacare mandates which violate Catholic religious freedom, have nevertheless pushed for socialized medicine for decades. They even supported Obamacare itself, provided it was the right Obamacare.

Now, after decades of feeding the beast of socialism, which has now turned on them, who can be surprised? Apparently, a bunch of bishops who seem to have about the same level of knowledge about government and political power as my seventh-grade civics teacher.

These are people who have for years been telling us that government should have free rein to control and regulate every aspect of our lives, as long as it meets the demands of "social justice" which for most of these bishops doesn't mean charity, but simply socialism with a little God thrown on top.

Few organizations have done more than the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to pave the way for Obamacare. They made that bed, but now all of us have to lie in it.

And the same old song and dance still hasn't ended. At their meeting this week, the bishops were attempting to do the same old thing they've been doing for decades: Agitating for a bigger and more authoritarian government.

Here's a modest proposal, how about the Bishops actually preach the Gospel? I know that's just crazy talk, but if you're an American Catholic like me, you know that it's been literally decades since many Catholics have actually heard any orthodox Catholicism from the pulpit. Forming good priests who preach well requires some actual work on the part of the bishops, however, and it's hard to do that sort of thing when you're too busy having junkets where you're debating the finer points of your personal opinions about sales taxes.

The biological solution will soon solve the problem of the older bishops, but we'll have a huge mess to clean up after they're gone.

Their legacy is huge government, the destruction of religious freedom, and a Catholic population so rudderless that 50 percent of them voted for Obama, a man who murders toddlers with drones, is militantly pro-abortion, and who has basically declared war on faithful Catholics.

Obama should send a thank you note to the bishops for helping make it all possible.

LRC. Blog
😇 picture is quite appropriate..thanks News Briefs!
very well said LRC .... yes I have been folllowing the election and also the decline of the great America precisely because of the letting go of all morals and the expulsion of God and His laws from everyone and everything ... and its' propaganda is spredding far and beyond ...
The USCCB is a joke. That should have been dismantled years ago. Along with their feminist lesbian spies.