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El síndrome post aborto-diócesisTV. Emitido en diocesisTV el 5-03-2010. "La Lupa", Videoblog de José Luis Navas en el que analiza la actualidad a la luz del Evangelio.Más
El síndrome post aborto-diócesisTV.

Emitido en diocesisTV el 5-03-2010. "La Lupa", Videoblog de José Luis Navas en el que analiza la actualidad a la luz del Evangelio.
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Let us warn you as we warned before "Katrina" (see: Oh New Orleans, shed ye the darkness or face disaster ): disaster looms if we stray from God's Plan for Creation.
We refer also to the "1990 prophecy." "My greatest nemesis is science, even more so than the media," the Lord supposedly said in a dream to an anonymous recipient. "The science that alters life,…Más

Let us warn you as we warned before "Katrina" (see: Oh New Orleans, shed ye the darkness or face disaster ): disaster looms if we stray from God's Plan for Creation.
We refer also to the "1990 prophecy." "My greatest nemesis is science, even more so than the media," the Lord supposedly said in a dream to an anonymous recipient. "The science that alters life, the science which creates a counterfeit heaven, the science that toils with the womb and genes..."
In an addendum fourteen years later -- the only other one released from this person -- were allegedly the words, "There is going to be a major disruption in a region of the world that will affect everyone. The world is now seriously out of conformance with the Will of God and what He created and intended. There are those who would reconfigure the very creatures He has formed, and who meddle with the texture of life. For this reason, the Lord will allow a huge reorientation. If not for the action of Heaven, what God has created on earth will soon be damaged beyond recovery. A very dramatic effect already is in progress as regards the support structures of what man calls nature. Such cannot be allowed to take the final realization of total realignment when it comes to the very way elements and life forces interact. The event to come will surprise everyone who has offered a prognostication, and will show even recalcitrant scientists, though not all, that there is a fundamental alarm in Heaven over their arrogant and wayward course. Nothing that is artificial in a way that disrupts what God intended will be allowed to stand."