Yes, when did LifeSite News go nuts? Is John-Henry Westen's mortgage in danger? Do they have to resort to the sort of lunacy they've been pumping out recently to cover the payroll? Obviously pro-life issues aren't enough to pay the bills. Westen has been seduced by the pervasive influence of Peter Chojnowski - a conspiracy theorist; Glenn Hudson - a Garabandalist, and Xavier Reyes-Ayral, a fruitcake …More
Yes, when did LifeSite News go nuts? Is John-Henry Westen's mortgage in danger? Do they have to resort to the sort of lunacy they've been pumping out recently to cover the payroll? Obviously pro-life issues aren't enough to pay the bills. Westen has been seduced by the pervasive influence of Peter Chojnowski - a conspiracy theorist; Glenn Hudson - a Garabandalist, and Xavier Reyes-Ayral, a fruitcake bookseller who is a self-appointed authority on all things 'spiritual'. Life Site News recently declared they were on a financial 'Red Alert'. Good! STOP GIVING MONEY TO LSN WHILE IT KEEPS PUMPING OUT THIS SENSATIONALIST RUBBISH!

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When Did LifeSite News Go Nuts?

Ah, the Fatimists. Perhaps holding out hope that we may yet get a divine bailout from the mess we’ve put ourselves in, they claim: -That the consecration requested by …