ktozjak Bog
PRO-SODOMITE "cardinal" CUPICH, Chicago, USA and his recent ANTI-GOD actions. Let's pray for this DEVIANT, JESUS and MARIAMore
PRO-SODOMITE "cardinal" CUPICH, Chicago, USA and his recent ANTI-GOD actions.

Let's pray for this DEVIANT,

ktozjak Bog
In case of this kind of priests and bishops we had to remind Bella Dodd case (1930/1940) when she was prominent communist party member they put in catholic seminaries 1100 ideological prepared young men. Their goal was to destroy Roman Catholic Church. If only 800 of them stay in priesthood, if some of them become professors, bishops, other cardinals.. they were later responsible for formation of …More
In case of this kind of priests and bishops we had to remind Bella Dodd case (1930/1940) when she was prominent communist party member they put in catholic seminaries 1100 ideological prepared young men. Their goal was to destroy Roman Catholic Church. If only 800 of them stay in priesthood, if some of them become professors, bishops, other cardinals.. they were later responsible for formation of new priests, their voice was heard during and after Vaticanum II...we have an answer about picture today's church.
GJA Taylor
This prelate is a faithless blether. How is he a priest? Let alone a bishop ("Card?")
APOSTATE "card. CUPICH" agenda:
1. Total acceptation of openly deviant and pervert, FR. Montalbano /Resurrection Parish, Avondale, Illinois, USA/,
2. Removal of roman catholic priest Fr. Paul Kalchick from his parish for burning "sodomites Flag" and treated him by psychiatric treatment,
3. C. - defender of the abominable "LGBT" agenda,
4. C. keeps transgender advisors for many years,
5. C. sodomites …More
APOSTATE "card. CUPICH" agenda:
1. Total acceptation of openly deviant and pervert, FR. Montalbano /Resurrection Parish, Avondale, Illinois, USA/,
2. Removal of roman catholic priest Fr. Paul Kalchick from his parish for burning "sodomites Flag" and treated him by psychiatric treatment,
3. C. - defender of the abominable "LGBT" agenda,
4. C. keeps transgender advisors for many years,
5. C. sodomites "can be good parents for children",
6. C. doesn't prohibit sodomites from leadership position in the Church,
7. C. - supporter of deviant jesuit "Fr." James Martin as "the foremost evangeliser in the church today, aspecially for young people",
8. C. allows to continue sodomy practices for "Fr. Michalel Gulman " a gay massages",
9. C. - sodomites can receive Holy Communion,
10. C. - pro-abortion politicians can receive Holy communion,
11. C. supports Amoris Laetitia /pope Francis/ as a "game changer", "revolutionary", as theaching about "synodal church" where Church is learning from adulterers,
12. C. supportst of ordination of the women,
13. C. on family: "there are many others then in Bible, forms of family",
14. C. - applases non-limited "ecumenism",
15. C. - converting pagans, jevish and others to Catholic faith is a SIN,
16. C. - religious freedom above the all,
17. applause of Rome"s apostasy,
18. C. - celebrated Chinese New Year,
19. C. - attended "Interfaith Chicago leadership Prayer breakfast 2016,
20. C. - during Chicago instalation as its arcbischop accepted 30 -40 people of different religions and homosexuals in first rows of the cathedral,
21. C. celebrated Luter and protestant revolution as a great moment in history,
22. C. - very aggressive supporter of Gun Control,
23. C. - aggressive supporter of today's Church ecological engagement....
Catholic faithful people found themselves in difficult MOMENT of history: how to keep faith when Pastors became traitors.
ktozjak Bog
He is responsible in attack on polish oldest roman catholic church in Chicago, St. Adalbert church.
ktozjak Bog
He continues anti-God, anti- Holy and Apostolic, Holy Church line started by infamous freemason and probably satanist, archbishop of Chicago, Bernardin.