Uncle Joe

What’s Worse – Kicking a Cat or Killing a Baby?

A 21-year-old sociopath-in-training was arrested yesterday for kicking a kitten. And the police caught up with him because the video—which shows Andre Robinson grinning like a tough guy (and his friends laughing hysterically)—was posted on Facebook.

The video shows Robinson kicking the cat very hard; “According to the arrest report, the cat flew about 20 feet — and a veterinarian confirmed to cops the brutal blow likely caused serious injury,”

Here’s a more “positive” viral video story.

Emily Letts, an abortion counselor in New Jersey, said she wasn’t ready to have a baby, even though she was pregnant, and decided that the best solution for her would be to have an abortion — and film it.

“I found out I am pregnant,” the 25-year-old said in the video she uploaded onto YouTube. “I’m not ready to have children.”

“[I want to] show women that there is such thing as a positive abortion story,” The Blaze reported.

Americans, a century ago, would have rightly understood that Emily Letts, despite being more telegenic, was a worse monster than Andre Robinson.

But that was a sane society. Its moral outrage was reserved for things that were actually immoral. It put human life ahead of animal life.

Sometimes that society seems as dead as ancient Rome.

Use the gun to shot animals for food.
Q: If you are stranded on a desert island with Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and a lawyer, and you have a gun with only two bullets, what do you do?
Q: If you are stranded on a desert island with Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and a lawyer, and you have a gun with only two bullets, what do you do?


I would gladly torture and kill a million kittens to save one baby from abortion. 🤦