"Operation Shock and Awe" to Accomplish Liberal Hegemony Over the Church?

I highlight the word 'development' since it would appear that to 'develop' Catholic teaching in a particularly unpopular area of Catholic teaching is established liberal code for the undermining or abandoning of the teaching itself. If that is not the case, then why do such liberals never actually say what this 'development' would look like in practice? Liberals writing for The Tablet are constantly calling for 'development' of the Church's teaching on sexual matters. It is now the raison d'etre of The Tablet. Of course, it is scandalous that The Tablet'swriting staff should undermine, in writing, the Church's teaching in any area and campaign for 'radical reform' of teachings that are inerrant and form part of the Church's infallible Magisterium. Yet it is even more scandalous that an article highlighting coded episcopal dissent from this Magisterium should appear on Bishop Campbell's 'newsfeed' on his website. The promotion of the article, in the wake of Fr Tim Finigan's blog post, appears now to have dropped down and off the 'Latest News Section' but can be viewed here.

The papal nuncio, the CDF and English and Welsh Bishops will have, I am certain, received numerous complaints through telephone, email and post concerning those teaching heterodox views in their Dioceses, numbered among whom are the writing team of The Tablet itself, which, despite its near constant undermining of Church teaching on a weekly basis, is for sale in every Cathedral and the vast majority of parishes in the United Kingdom.
What is one left to conclude? We are either led by spineless men or (worse?) apostates.
Almighty God have mercy on Your Body, Your Church. Amen.
All these post conciliar popes have ignored heaven's request. And why is that? Because the Fatima message is about penance and prayer, two activities that are not popular with New Rome. I agree there is a powerful lobby within the Vatican to stop this request, and yes the pope unfortunately is under pressure not to consecrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary to Russia for its conversion. The irony here …More
All these post conciliar popes have ignored heaven's request. And why is that? Because the Fatima message is about penance and prayer, two activities that are not popular with New Rome. I agree there is a powerful lobby within the Vatican to stop this request, and yes the pope unfortunately is under pressure not to consecrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary to Russia for its conversion. The irony here is that Russia is probably more Christian than the USA.
la verdad prevalece
When will the Bergoglio Regime start having us arrested?
Posted by David Werling
Catholic Family News is reporting an episode related by Fr. Nicholas Gruner.
Mariana Bartold relates the story in summary:
Vatican security men picked out Fr. Nicholas Gruner (Fatima Center) from the crowd of thousands in St. Peter's Square on the weekend of Oct. 13, 2013 --- and without identifying themselves, asked …More
When will the Bergoglio Regime start having us arrested?
Posted by David Werling
Catholic Family News is reporting an episode related by Fr. Nicholas Gruner.
Mariana Bartold relates the story in summary:

Vatican security men picked out Fr. Nicholas Gruner (Fatima Center) from the crowd of thousands in St. Peter's Square on the weekend of Oct. 13, 2013 --- and without identifying themselves, asked him to leave. Father, who had been seated in a privileged section close to Pope Francis, calmly asked why.

In response, a third man (who turned out to be the director of Security Services of the Vatican city-state, Mr. Dominico Giani), inquired of Father if he was suspended. Father said no. Mr. Giani then asked, "Aren't you suspended 'a divinis'?" - and Father explained again that he was not suspended, made a reference to canon law, adding, "I never received an official document saying I was suspended."

Dominico Giani seemed to hesitate, considering Father's words, and then said, "I'm not a canon lawyer; my job is security....I'm going to let you go back to your prayers but, as the end of the ceremony, don't go near the Pope."

Fr. Gruner answered that he had no intention of doing so, adding: "But why not? I'm not dangerous, I have no weapons; you can search me."

Mr. Gianni responded: "If I thought you were dangerous, I would have you thrown out."

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