Caeleste Desiderium
Caeleste Desiderium
25th March 1993 At the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
'Praised be the Life that generates life, Jesus Christ. Dear daughter, listen carefully to what I am going to
tell you and I ask you to prophesy it to the world, whether they believe you or not. The Eagle with the
five solar feathers is working, selecting hearts to prepare the way for the Glorious Dove.
The Breath will come from the East, but …More
25th March 1993 At the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
'Praised be the Life that generates life, Jesus Christ. Dear daughter, listen carefully to what I am going to
tell you and I ask you to prophesy it to the world, whether they believe you or not. The Eagle with the
five solar feathers is working, selecting hearts to prepare the way for the Glorious Dove.
The Breath will come from the East, but before the Glorious Dove comes on earth, the sun will not
give out light for a period of three. The stars will be swallowed by the darkness in space. Some
lands will be submerged by the waters, and new lands will emerge. Mountains will displace
themselves, changing the order of things; and then man will seek death as today he seeks gold.
When the Glorious Dove comes, the fire of Justice will fall on man, like a bird of prey with its
hungry mouth, hurling itself to nose-dive on the rotten flesh of the dead body, ready to devour it
My children, the time has come to choose. But before all that occurs, I, Mother of the Supreme Goodness
invite you once more to avert God's chastisement.
2 more comments from Caeleste Desiderium
Caeleste Desiderium
23rd March 1993, 4.00 pm At the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
'Eternal praise be to the Fruit of My Womb, Jesus. Here I am my most beloved daughter, today the
Message is addressed in a special way to you young ones, who are experiencing a time of spiritual
darkness. You are the seed of life, and because of this I ask you not to let yourselves be overpowered by
My enemy, who, with cunning and deceit …More
23rd March 1993, 4.00 pm At the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
'Eternal praise be to the Fruit of My Womb, Jesus. Here I am my most beloved daughter, today the
Message is addressed in a special way to you young ones, who are experiencing a time of spiritual
darkness. You are the seed of life, and because of this I ask you not to let yourselves be overpowered by
My enemy, who, with cunning and deceit, leads you to be discouraged in prayer as well as in action.
Beware of the devil: he is already in your midst. He has no face; because of this it will be difficult to
identify him in his work, but do not be afraid: persevere in your mission. Your Heavenly Mother will
protect you with Her Divine Love.
Do not suffer, My young ones! Soon little wounds will become great sorrows53,but once this time is over,
the Divine Light of the Most Holy Trinity will irradiate this earth, making it splendid in purity, and then
My Son will return to build the Glorious Kingdom of His Father.
God sends Me to you and with My Light of Love, I will transform you, making you the Apostles of the
Heavenly Army. I bless you with the love of a Mother'.

24th March 1993, 4.00 pm At the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
'Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear daughter, I, Mother of all mothers, come to this earth because I desire all
God's children to respond to My maternal Love. My children, you have eyes to see, yet do not see; you
have ears to hear, yet you do not hear. Only a few souls support Me, but My pierced Heart wants to be
consoled and healed by the love of everyone. Where at this moment are the representatives of the Divine
Love of Jesus54? What do they do to help this earth? And yet the pray to Me every day with fervent
prayer, in order that I, Your Heavenly Mother, may accompany them on their journey and grant Graces to the faithful, and yet I do not see either faith or love in their hearts. Daughter, My sadness is infinite, as infinite as the universe, and it is indeed My beloved Priests55 who are the first to betray My Divine Love, silencing the voice in their hearts, which has called them repeatedly. Have pity on a Mother who is always ready to receive you in the Temple of Her Heart. Welcome my calling, I will see you soon, My
little one'.
After the ecstasy, I noticed the phenomenon of the sun: for about five minutes it started to spin round,
irradiating the following colours: pink, a blue and red. Afterwards the sun transformed, it became a very large glittering Host. As this occurred, many eyewitnesses and myself observed the same phenomenon. I was bleeding abundantly from my forehead and feet.

53 The martyrdom of those who become disciples of the Lord will increase.
54 More than once Our Lady had underlined the importance of priest being present where she appears.
55 Before each Apparition I informed some Priests, who regularly never came.
Caeleste Desiderium
O Immaculate Heart, Mother of My Lord,Spring of Holy Oil of Everlasting Unction,of You I ask, great sinner as I am,to show me Your secret1and today consecrate me to You.