New Movie About Jesus

Photo ~ Paul Verhoeven is a member of the Jesus Seminar and he is the only member who does not have a degree in biblical studies.

New Movie About Jesus by Director of "Showgirls." What Could Go Wrong?

A new movie about Jesus is being made by the producer of American Psycho, the director of Showgirls, and the writer of Pulp Fiction.

What could go wrong?

Well, lots. According to Deadline, the movie will be based on a book that director Paul Verhoeven wrote that discounts all the miracles that inform the New Testament. "Verhoeven doesn’t believe any of them happened" writes Deadline.

The book turned movie will declare that Jesus might have been the product of his mother being raped by a Roman soldier, Jesus was not the Son of God, and Jesus was simply a radical who was convinced he would find the kingdom of Heaven on earth.
