CCC2015 Rome HOMILY Raymond Cardinal Burke Friday 9th Jan 2015 Raymond Cardinal Burke HOMILY given on Friday, January 9th 2015 in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, at the closing Mass for the International …More
CCC2015 Rome HOMILY Raymond Cardinal Burke Friday 9th Jan 2015

Raymond Cardinal Burke HOMILY given on Friday, January 9th 2015 in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, at the closing Mass for the International Conference of the Confraternities of Catholic Clergy.

Solemn Pontifical Mass – Missa Pro Sacerdotibus. Celebrant: His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke.

Sacred music by the Lassus Scholars, Dublin, directed by Dr Ite O'Donovan. Organist Fr Nicholas Dillon.

Music Programme: Introit: Sacerdotes Dei (Gregorian chant);

Mass setting - Palestrina: Missa Tu es Petrus; Offertory motet: Bruckner: Salvum fac populum; Communio: Introibo ad altare Dei (Gregorian chant); Communion motet: Palestrina: Tu es Petrus; Hymn: Holy God we praise thy name.