First communion picture of St José Sánchez del Río. Before executing him during the Cristero war the soldiers tortured him by cutting the bottoms of his feet with a knife and forcing him to walk …More
First communion picture of St José Sánchez del Río. Before executing him during the Cristero war the soldiers tortured him by cutting the bottoms of his feet with a knife and forcing him to walk barefoot to his last resting place.
Credo .
St. Jose Sanchez del Rio. Ora pro nobis. Viva Christo Rey! 😍
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Das Bild der ersten Kommunion von St. José Sánchez del Río. Bevor er während des Cristero-Krieges hingerichtet wurde, folterten ihn die Soldaten, indem sie ihm die Fußsohlen mit einem Messer abschnitten und ihn zwangen, barfuß zu seinem letzten Ruhestand zu gehen.