An excellent article that exposes the big lie that is socialism, which is not a political doctrine but a gnostic and satanic religion disguised as science. The false science based on the unprovable assumptions of the gnostic kabbalah (and not on the impartial observation of reality as they claim) is the religion of socialists and communists. Gnosis is the exact reverse of Christianity: instead of …More
An excellent article that exposes the big lie that is socialism, which is not a political doctrine but a gnostic and satanic religion disguised as science. The false science based on the unprovable assumptions of the gnostic kabbalah (and not on the impartial observation of reality as they claim) is the religion of socialists and communists. Gnosis is the exact reverse of Christianity: instead of worshiping the logos or infinite divine reason, Gnostics worship fallible human reason, Instead of worshiping God incarnated in a man, that is to say: Jesus Christ, they worship mere mortals deified.

Eugenics and the master race of the left - Europe Reloaded

ER Editor: With gratitude to Kate Shemirani on Twitter/X for alerting us to this article, who makes a jab (no pun intended) at what government …