The Legislating Church

The Legislating Church
Novelty in the Name of the Pope

In his historic Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict declared with the full authority of his office what traditionalists had always known: that the typical edition of the Roman Missal promulgated in 1962, representing the immemorial Roman liturgy, was “never abrogated” by Paul VI (numquam abrogatam).

In the accompanying letter to the worldwide episcopate, Pope Benedict was at pains to draw “attention to the fact that this Missal was never juridically abrogated and, consequently, in principle, was always permitted.”

Always permitted.

And yet for forty years after the first public celebration of Pope Paul’s New Mass on October 24, 1967—a Biblical epoch of suffering—the Church groaned under the burden of the falsehood that the traditional Mass had been abrogated, or “obrogated” (eliminated by substitution) as the neo-Catholic establishment now contends in a hasty revision of its discredited propaganda.

Concerning that propaganda, we must never forget that neo-Catholic apologists for the post-conciliar revolution insisted for decades that “celebration of the Tridentine Mass is forbidden except where ecclesiastical law specifically allows it.” (Likoudis and Whitehead, The Pope, the Council, and the Mass, 1982, 16, 67-68; 2000, 68) (my emphasis).

The Church’s received and approved rite of Mass, the very substance of the living Faith of our Fathers, forbidden. So they told us, until Pope Benedict exposed the lie.

Read more here.
I've often wondered why Vatican II was so misinterpreted. I find it difficult to believe that Church leaders deliberately misled us. Articles like this one, are encouraging. We just need to keep sharing the information.
holyrope 3
Report priests, pastors and bishops who refuse this Holy Mass to be offered in their parishes and dioceses'....
Powerful article, if you read it all....