Benedetto 69

Video summary


Summary of the Video: "THE SECRET MESSAGE - La Salette Part 2" by Father Serafino Tognetti
Introduction to the Secret Message

The secret message of the Virgin Mary to Melania is divided into two parts: one discussed in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
The Virgin Mary speaks of imminent punishments if people do not convert, including famines and diseases, especially among children.
Apocalyptic Theme

The Virgin Mary uses apocalyptic language similar to that found in the Book of Revelation and the Gospels.
She talks about cosmic signs, earthquakes, wars, famines, and makes contemporary references to cities like Rome, Paris, and Marseille, and historical figures like Napoleon III.
Conditionality of Punishments

The punishments are conditional on human behavior: if people convert, they can be avoided.
God uses the language of anger and wrath to express the clash between good and evil, but it is always aimed at conversion and greater good.
References to Sacred Scripture

Expressions of anger and punishment are also present in the Psalms and Revelation.
The Virgin Mary warns that the consequences of evil are inevitable if people do not return to God.
Role of Priests

The Virgin Mary harshly criticizes priests, calling them "cesspools of impurity" due to their bad lives and lack of piety.
She emphasizes the importance of priests' role in imploring mercy and forgiveness for the people.
Crisis in the Church and Society

The Virgin Mary speaks of an internal crisis in the Church, where religious leaders distance themselves from God.
Civil leaders are also blinded by the devil and neglect prayer and penance, leading to division and disorder.
Specific Messages for Italy and France

The Virgin Mary warns Italy of punishments due to its ambition to shake off the yoke of God.
She speaks of internal wars and persecutions, with a large number of priests and religious abandoning the faith.
Action of the Devil

In 1864, Lucifer and a large number of demons will be unleashed and will work to abolish faith even among those consecrated to God.
There will be a total relaxation in the service of God and a proliferation of bad books.
Church Crisis

There will be a terrifying crisis within the Church, with many losing their faith and dedicating themselves to accumulating wealth and power.
The Church will be as if eclipsed and will undergo great persecutions.
Advent of the Antichrist

After a brief period of peace, there will be a final clash with the Antichrist, who will be destroyed.
The Virgin Mary calls true disciples and imitators of Christ to fight the forces of evil with humility and virtues.

The message ends with a call to all the faithful to show themselves as favored children and fight with the virtues of poverty, humility, prayer, mortification, chastity, and union with God.
English Catholic
@giveusthisday There are signs of hope that people are wisening up. Self-professed 'apparition' expert Mark Mallett recently wrote a piece about his 'heaviness' after witnessing this: "My wife and I were sitting in the balcony — not a place we normally go, but today it was as though the Lord wanted me to see something. I leaned forward and looked down. The Cathedral was half-empty on this, the …More
@giveusthisday There are signs of hope that people are wisening up. Self-professed 'apparition' expert Mark Mallett recently wrote a piece about his 'heaviness' after witnessing this: "My wife and I were sitting in the balcony — not a place we normally go, but today it was as though the Lord wanted me to see something. I leaned forward and looked down. The Cathedral was half-empty on this, the Feast of Mercy — emptier than I’d ever seen it. It was an exclamation point to His words that, even now — even with the world on the brink of nuclear conflict, economic meltdown, a global famine, and another “pandemic” — souls were not seeking His mercy and the “ocean of graces” that He was offering on this day."
Sister Lucia said back in 1957 to Fr Fuentes: "The second reason is because She said to my cousins as well as to myself, that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others.” No mention of the Divine Mercy devotion.
If Mark Mallett wants to see world peace, then he should be following the full message of Fatima and praying for the Consecration of Russia as Sister Lucia stated in 1957: "Tell them, Father, that many times the Most Holy Virgin told my cousins Francisco and Jacinta, as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. She said that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation.”
Instead, Mallett just runs and appears on websites promoting condemned, fake and dubious apparitions.
As for the Divine Will, it is over. The Catholic Church has stated: Beatification process of Luisa Piccarreta suspended
Three excellent videos on the Divine Will here: PART ONE: (Not for children). The "Divine Will" de…
Thank you!
Naomi Arai
Russia seems to be a good nation with an emphasis on family and religion. It totally flip-flopped from what it used to be. Ukraine is a tool of the Western Leftists. A state of grift. They love working with the demonic Biden to cover up their sins...and his sins.
James Manning
@Naomi Arai - Russia still has the highest abortion rate in the world. There are no "good guys" in this conflict. Same with Israel/Hamas.
Naomi Arai
@James_Manning As I recall, almost no war has perfect adversaries. The Allies weren’t perfect in WWII, but they were preferable. I’d much prefer the Jews, who just want to live in safety than the Muslims who just want to wipe them off the map…along with all of Christianity…wherever they live. I’d rather the Russian nation moving towards godliness from pure evil than the nations moving closer to …More
@James_Manning As I recall, almost no war has perfect adversaries. The Allies weren’t perfect in WWII, but they were preferable. I’d much prefer the Jews, who just want to live in safety than the Muslims who just want to wipe them off the map…along with all of Christianity…wherever they live. I’d rather the Russian nation moving towards godliness from pure evil than the nations moving closer to the demonic. Our Lady did say Russia would chastise the world. I think it will.
These prophesies, as well as at least the Third Secret of Fatima have been suppressed. It is very clear the powers that be in the Church, and probably among other Globalists too, do not want us to know these things! Meanwhile, The Divine Will, and Divine Mercy are being flogged like tired donkeys.