The cost of becoming a cardinal

The cost of becoming a cardinal

On Saturday Benedict XVI will create six new cardinals, just nine months after last February’s consistory. Addressing the Synod’s bishops, the Pope explained the reasons for this “informed” choice of new cardinals, none of whom are European: this is a way for the Church to show its true universality after the batch of cardinals created during the last consistory, who were mainly Curia members or Italian.

Here are the current prices for items prepared by Rome’s most renowned tailor, Gammarelli, which has traditionally been the Pope’s tailor. The red mozzetta which cardinals wear with their choral vestments, costs about 200 Euro, but the price goes up if one chooses cord buttons – which are hand made and more sought after (they cost 20 Euro each) – instead of cloth buttons.

The red cassock costs approximately 800 Euro, while the three-cornered hat without a bow, which is typical for cardinals, can cost between 80 and 120 Euro.

The red and golden cord for the pectoral cross costs around 80 Euro: the price varies according to how elegant it is and the size of the bow on the back.

The red fascia which is worn with the red cassock and the black cassock with red piping, costs about 200 Euro.

A black cassock with red piping costs approximately 600 Euro, while the cardinal’s red zucchetto is priced at around 40 Euro.

Finally, the red socks cost about 15 Euro for a pair.

Given that cardinals usually purchase two sets of each of these outfits, they can expect to spend around four to five thousand Euro to complete their wardrobe.

The cardinal’s ring is a gift from the Pope.

Vatican Insider
Would Our Lord JESUS or even any of the apostles ever wear such kind of vests? This kind of facts are one of many causes that make one feel ashamed as a Catholic. 😡
Pia Piissima
Poor bishops... will any of them reject the proposal of becoming cardinal, just because they don't have money? 😲 😉
If so, we could make some fundraising for them on Gloria 🚬
But seriously: I pray, that the new cardinals are no "apparatchiks", and that they don't forget, what the first mission of a bishop is: to bring people to God. ✍️More
Poor bishops... will any of them reject the proposal of becoming cardinal, just because they don't have money? 😲 😉

If so, we could make some fundraising for them on Gloria 🚬

But seriously: I pray, that the new cardinals are no "apparatchiks", and that they don't forget, what the first mission of a bishop is: to bring people to God. ✍️
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