Communists and Zionists have a morbid predilection for starving the innocent, especially women and children. The Soviets did it in Ukraine during the communist revolution, they did it in Germany after the Second World War and now they are doing it in Gaza. It's disgusting.
And don't simply blame Netanyahu because as Khaled Elgindy says:
72% of Israelis support the idea of withholding aid to the …More
Communists and Zionists have a morbid predilection for starving the innocent, especially women and children. The Soviets did it in Ukraine during the communist revolution, they did it in Germany after the Second World War and now they are doing it in Gaza. It's disgusting.

And don't simply blame Netanyahu because as Khaled Elgindy says:

72% of Israelis support the idea of withholding aid to the starving population of Gaza. The Israeli govt policy of using starvation as a weapon of war has broad public support.

Israel's Chickens Come Home to Roost

Gaza on Brink of Mass Starvation and Death, U.N.-Backed Monitor Reports

Gaza is on the brink of mass starvation and death due to Israel's blockade of food and water against the besieged strip, a UN-backed …