EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY - 2014-3-11 - Pornography as a societal pandemic. Pornography as a societal pandemicMore
EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY - 2014-3-11 - Pornography as a societal pandemic.

Pornography as a societal pandemic
A bishop talking about the pornography business. My, my. He should share his letter with the Pope, so he too may become aware of Cardinal Marx ( the Papal advisor) who's diocese has a 13% share in the German Bishops pornography business, which brings them billions of euros per year.
What a busy time ahead. The fake "prelates" being exposed for the fakes that they are. My, my.
The lady talking on divorce etc @ 17.15 is a good holy Catholic woman. The Kaspers of this world would do well to listen to the Truth from this woman.
If only the @prelates@ had the skills ( never mind the faith) to talk with such clarity and faith!