
Courageous French Mayor and His Council Refuse to be Intimidated by Gomorrist Law in France

(Paris) In France the mayor wrote a letter to the citizens of his town in which he told them: "I can not believe in gay marriage. Should I be forced, I am resigning." The community is Fontgombault. There is a world-famous Benedictine abbey, which maintains the traditional rite of the Catholic Church and is bound to tradition.

In late spring, the socialist parliamentary majority decided for the legalization of "gay marriage" despite massive resistance from a broad civil rights movement. Since then, the mayors of France are under pressure. If a gay couple wants to get married, they have to make a fundamental decision. To break any resistance, the government of President Hollande has issued corresponding penalties for the same. Should a mayor refuse to honor a sodomite couple, it threatens him not only impeachment and a fine of 75,000 euros but even five years in prison.

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Michel-René Landry
The #1 problem in the world is the spiritual health of the Catholic church. How much longer would the members of the Catholic church turn their back on God?
Would they actually wait until it too late? That every thing about the church to be in ruin?
Union of prayer!More
The #1 problem in the world is the spiritual health of the Catholic church. How much longer would the members of the Catholic church turn their back on God?
Would they actually wait until it too late? That every thing about the church to be in ruin?

Union of prayer!
Michel-René Landry
There's only one thing we can say, their is so many dead people walking with us. It is actually the plague of our century.
When God vengeance will hit in our life time, many of us would wish to be dead.
Pray, Pray and Pray.
Say the Rosary every day in act of reparation. And we have to make many sacrifice. And yes, offer mass for the conversion of sinners. We can't soft God anger in our life time,…More
There's only one thing we can say, their is so many dead people walking with us. It is actually the plague of our century.
When God vengeance will hit in our life time, many of us would wish to be dead.

Pray, Pray and Pray.
Say the Rosary every day in act of reparation. And we have to make many sacrifice. And yes, offer mass for the conversion of sinners. We can't soft God anger in our life time, because human has gone to far.
Little of faithful Catholic left, Union of prayer!