
Are things really this bad for German Catholics?

Source The National Catholic Register

German Bishops to Unveil 'Hidden Bombshell'
Posted by Edward Pentin

In the latest in a series of attempts by German bishops to align Church teaching with secular values, a sub-committee of the German episcopal conference is planning to amend Church labor law to allow Church employees who are homosexual or divorced and civilly remarried to work in ecclesiastical institutions.
Until now, those employed in the German Church – the second largest employer in the country – are required to adhere to lifestyles consistent with Church teaching.
But on Nov. 24th, a majority of bishops are expected to vote to introduce changes to Church rules to allow such employees to continue working in administrative positions or as heads of departments, or to employ them in the future. The move has been devised in secret and will have important ramifications if enacted, Church observers say.

Toward end of the article Mr. Pentin posts

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the country’s episcopal conference, told reporters during the synod on the family last month that a strong majority of German bishops supported Cardinal Walter Kasper’s proposal to allow some divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion.

“They’re trying to change doctrine through these subtle means,” a source in the German Church said. “It’s therefore important these efforts are exposed as this year, ahead of the next synod, will be decisive.”

This general attitude of many of Germany’s bishops also runs contrary to what Benedict XVI said during his famous “Entweltlichung” speech when visiting his homeland in 2011. In that address to ecclesiastical and civic leaders in Freiburg im Breisgau, he said the Church “must constantly renew the effort to detach herself from her tendency towards worldliness and once again to become open towards God.”

please consider reading the entire article here: m.ncregister.com/…/german-bishops-…
what about wolves in sheep skin?
Specially from Germania...
just 2-3 years ago came to the light
many German cardinals and bishops
in bookseller business with many pornographic and erotic titles...
What we can expect from these WOLVES ???
Following Jesus Christ ?
The Lord is clear on this, "When you see the abomination of desolation... FLEE" so the best way to resist a wolf or in this case wolves is to find a Holy priest who will resist this wicked Judas... and because of false obedience, IF there isn't one priest in the entire Germany who resists this wicked plan or agenda... then you shouldn't go back, remember Jesus said "those on the rooftops" don't go …More
The Lord is clear on this, "When you see the abomination of desolation... FLEE" so the best way to resist a wolf or in this case wolves is to find a Holy priest who will resist this wicked Judas... and because of false obedience, IF there isn't one priest in the entire Germany who resists this wicked plan or agenda... then you shouldn't go back, remember Jesus said "those on the rooftops" don't go back, those in the fields... don't go back. Remember what happened with Lot's wife? I don't have the SSPX in my area if you do that's something to consider, if your uncomfortable with them then, just don't go back, pray the rosary and use 10 minutes each day to atone for your sins... well you know better, you guys have a longer faithful track being Catholic... but whatever you do, don't go back if they do that... Resist until Jesus comes back or a holy priest stands firm for truth.
Prof. Wessell
Yes that is the Million Dollar Question!
Yes I left it open in my post. Thanks so much for your contribution, to the conversation.
I don`t have the answer.
If I were convinced that such a thing had happened {Not a fast rash judgment, but with much serious contemplation/searching/and prayer}
I would have to follow the admonishment of the Gospel Writers.
God forbid :
Prof. Wessell

Yes that is the Million Dollar Question!
Yes I left it open in my post. Thanks so much for your contribution, to the conversation.

I don`t have the answer.


If I were convinced that such a thing had happened {Not a fast rash judgment, but with much serious contemplation/searching/and prayer}
I would have to follow the admonishment of the Gospel Writers.

God forbid :
I/We are put to that test.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
@rhemes, thank you for the reply. Alas, you end with "let him understand". My question is: What should one do? Attend or not attend?
@Prof. Leonard Wessell:
then maybe: Matthew 24:15 will become a very real consideration, for those poor souls.
When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
If the German Church sets the Kasper's views into reality, what is the believer to do? Continue attending churches under the formal auspices of said bishops? The hiring of "sinners" will have the effect of filing the "sin-" from "sin-ners" until they become just part of the crowd. In other words, the polite, friendly and affirming treatment of those actually at acting variance with Church doctrine …More
If the German Church sets the Kasper's views into reality, what is the believer to do? Continue attending churches under the formal auspices of said bishops? The hiring of "sinners" will have the effect of filing the "sin-" from "sin-ners" until they become just part of the crowd. In other words, the polite, friendly and affirming treatment of those actually at acting variance with Church doctrine will have the effect of changing evaluations of rejection of their variance. By a slow absorbing social interaction between deviants and faithful, the deviation will be experienced as normalcy. Certainly the Church will protect the "sinners" from any "unkind", although truthful, assertions directed at them with the result that the faithful will become shamed as non loving. Result, silence will reign and heaven will rain down tears. What should the Church going Catholic do when the churches to attend become accepting to defilement on orders of the bishops? Does not attendance lend implicit acceptance of the sin now not so sinful? Can some one offer an answer or is it indifferent?
The Church in Germany is utterly corrupt (remember the morning-after pill) and through the money it earns from the state it is about to corrupt the Church worldwide.