For the Ascension and the Sunday before Ascension Thursday From the Revelations of Saint Gertrude. Revelations of St. Gertrude, Bk. 4 Chapter 39. For the Sunday after Ascension. As the Feast of Pentecost …More
For the Ascension and the Sunday before Ascension Thursday
From the Revelations of Saint Gertrude.
Revelations of St. Gertrude, Bk. 4

Chapter 39. For the Sunday after Ascension.
As the Feast of Pentecost was now approaching, St Gertrude besought Our Lord, at Communion on this day to prepare her to receive these four virtues - purity of heart, humility, tranquility, and concord. As she prayed for purity, she perceived that her heart was whiter than snow; and she asked for humility, she saw Our Lord prepare a cave in her soul to receive His graces; when she asked for tranquility, she saw Him surround her heart with a golden circle, to preserve it from the snares of her enemies; she then said to Him"Alas my Lord! I fear that I shall soon ruin this rampart of tranquility, for as soon as I see anything that I know to be contrary to Thy Will, I cannot conceal my resentment and oppose it vehemently." To this Our Lord replied: This emotion will not disturb a holy tranquility, but rather adorns it, strengthening in you, as it were, so many barriers across which the burning love of the Holy Ghost breathes more efficaciously, and refreshes your soul more sweetly.
She then asked Our Lord for the virtue of concord, and He crowned with this virtue all the other virtues which the Holy Spirit had imparted to her; but as she feared that if she suffered many contradictions on account of her zeal for regular observance, they would prove an occasion of this precious grace, the Lord replied: The virtue of concord is not injured when men opposed injustice; and I Myself will restrain your zeal, so that you may be entirely conformed in all things to the operations of My Divine Spirit. Then she understood that whoever prays devoutly to God for the same virtues , in order to prepare a dwelling for the Holy Spirit, and tries to advance in them every day by practicing them faithfully, will receive the same advantage.
Chapter 40. For the Vigil and Feast of Pentecost.
As St Gertrude prayed devoutly, on the Vigil of Pentecost, that she might be prepared to receive the Holy Ghost, she heard Our Lord saying these words to her interiorly with great love: You will receive the virtue of the Holy Spirit, which is coming to you. But while she felt extreme joy and satisfaction at these words, she thought also of her utter unworthiness, and it appeared to her as if a cave was made in her heart, which became deeper and deeper as this sentiment of unworthiness increased in her soul. Then she saw a stream of honey coming forth from the Heart of Jesus, and distilling itself into hers, until it was entirely filled. By this she understood that it was the unction and grace of the Holy Spirit which flowed thus sweetly from the Heart of the Son of God into the hearts of the faithful.
Then the Son of God blessed this cave with His Divine Hand, as the baptismal font is blessed so that each time entered therein it might be purified from every stain. As she rejoiced at this holy benediction, she said to Our Lord: "Alas, my Lord, unworthy sinner that I am, I confess with grief, that through my frailty, I have offended in many ways against Thy Omnipotence, and that my ignorance and malice have often offended against Thy wisdom and goodness. Therefore, O Father of Mercies, have mercy on me, and give me strength from Thy Strength to resist all that is contrary to Thy Will; give me grace from Thy inconceivable wisdom to avoid all that may offend Thy Pure Eyes, and enable me to adhere faithfully to Thee by Thy superabundant mercy, so that I may never depart from Thy Will in the very least degree"
As she said these words, she appeared to be plunged into this cave to be regenerated therein, so that she came forth purified from every stain, and whiter than snow; as being presented thus before the Divine Majesty, she put herself under the protection of all the Saints, as a newly baptized person is placed in the care of their sponsors, that they might pray to God for her. Then all the Saints offered their merit to God very joyfully, in satisfaction for her negligences and needs. St Gertrude, being thus adorned was placed by Our Lord Himself before Him so that His Divine breath entered into her soul, uniting her will efficaciously to His, and saying to her: Such are the delights which I enjoy with the children of men, for the respirations of her soul indicated her good will, and the breath of Our Lord His intentions and desires. Thus Gertrude reposed sweetly in the arms of her Spouse, waiting until He should impart to her more perfect dispositions for the reception of the Holy Ghost.
As she offered some special prayers to obtain from God the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and first for the gift of fear, that it might keep her from evil, Our Lord appeared to plant a very high tree in the center of her heart, which extended its branches so as to cover it entirely. This tree had little spikes, from which grew very beautiful flowers. The spikes signified the gift of the fear of the Lord, which pricks the soul with compunction when it is inclined to evil; the flowers indicated the goodwill which joined to the fear of God, fortifies the soul against sin; and if man avoids evil and performs good actions, the tree produces fruit.
Then as she asked for the other gifts, they were shown to her under the form of trees, differing in their fruits according to the different virtues. A kind of dew distilled from the trees of knowledge and piety, from which she understood that those who apply themselves to these two virtues are watered by a gentle rain, which makes them flower and bear fruit. The trees of the gift of counsel and fortitude had little cords of gold, which signified that these gifts rendered the soul capable of comprehending spiritual things. Streams of delicious nectar flowed from the trees of wisdom and understanding, from which she learned that God pours Himself forth efficaciously on the soul by these gifts, and that it thus becomes satiated with the sweetness of His love.
That night, at Matins, as the Saint felt an extreme debility, which made her think that she could not live long, she said to Our Lord: "What honor and what glory canst Thou gain from a miserable creature like me, who can only remain so short a time at the Office?" Our Lord replied: In order than sensible things may assist you to understand those which are spiritual, consider that a bridegroom finds the greatest pleasure in the most familiar relations with his bride; and I assure you that no bridegroom ever found more satisfaction in the endearments of his bride, than I do whenever My elect offer Me their hearts, purified from all sin, that I may take My delight therein. As she approached to receive Holy Communion, Our Lord refreshed her heart by a Divine exhalation, which came forth from His sacred Limbs, and which gave her ineffable pleasure - God making known to her that she had merited to receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit by her earnest prayers.
After she had communicated, she offered the whole life of Jesus Christ to God the Father, in satisfaction for her fault in never having made a sufficiently worthy preparation to receive Him into her heart, even from the hour of her regeneration in Baptism. Then she saw the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove, descending from Heaven upon the adorable Sacrament, with an impetuous flight like that of an eagle; and seeking the sweet Heart of Jesus, He appeared to enter therein, and find there a most agreeable abode.
As the hymn Veni Creator was chanted at Terce, Our Lord appeared to her and opened His Heart, full of sweetness and tenderness, to her. Gertrude knelt before it, inclining so that her head rested in the center of His Heart; and her Spouse took her head and pressed it to Himself, uniting her will to His and sanctifying it. At the second verse, Qui, Paraclitus diciris, she placed the hands of her soul, that is her actions, in the Heart of Jesus, and obtained consolations which so fortified in her exercises of piety, that all which she performed henceforth could not fail to be most acceptable to God.
At the third verse, Tu septiformis gratia (sic) (Thou who art sevenfold in Thy grace) she placed the feet of her soul, that is, her desires, in the Sacred Heart, and thereby obtained their sanctification.
At the fourth verse, Accende lumen sensibus (Oh, guide our minds with Thy blest light), she recommended her senses to God and obtained this promise - that they should be so illuminated as to reflect their light upon the senses of others, who should be thereby excited to love God.
At the fifth verse, Hostem repellas (Far from us drive our hellish foe), Our Lord inclined toward her and embraced her to shield her against all the attacks of her enemies; and in all this she experienced such satisfaction in her soul as to understand clearly what Our Lord had said to her on the preceding day: You shall receive the virtue of the Holy Ghost, which will come to you.
Chapter 41. For Monday in Whitsun Week.
On Monday, at the Elevation, St Gertrude offered the Sacred Host in satisfaction for her deficiencies in acquiring spiritual goods, and even for extinguishing the light of the Holy Spirit. It appeared to her that this Sacred Host emitted a number of branches, which were collected by the Holy Spirit and placed in the form of a hedge round the throne of the Ever- Blessed Trinity. From this she understood that the excellence and dignity of this great Sacrament supplied fully for all her negligence. A voice also came forth from the throne, which said: Let her who has given such rare flowers to her Spouse approach His Divine and nuptial couch without fear. She understood by this that God considered her perfect in habits of virtue, in consideration of the oblation which she had made to Him of this Most Holy Sacrament.
At the first Agnus Dei she prayed for the whole Church, as usual beseeching God to govern it in things as a true Father. At the second Agnus Dei she prayed for the faithful departed, that He might show mercy to them, and release them from all their pains. At the third Agnus Dei she asked for an increase of merit for all the Saints and the elect who should reign with Him in Heaven. At the words Dona nobis pacem Our Lord inclined so lovingly toward her that the sweetness of His embrace penetrated into the depth of the hearts of all the Saints, and they received thereby an immense increase of merit. After this, as she approached the Holy Communion, the Saints rose up before her with honor and joy, and she saw that the light of their merits shone gloriously, even as a shield of gold shines when exposed to the rays of the sun; and the reflection of this light shone into her soul. St. Gertrude then remained in the presence of God, as if in expectation, because she had not yet obtained the grace of being united to Him. At last, after communion, her soul was united to this Divine Spouse with such plenitude, that she enjoyed His presence in the most perfect manner possible in this world. Then the branches of which we have already spoken, with which the Holy Spirit had surrounded the throne of the Ever-Blessed Trinity, began to shoot forth green leaves and flowers, even as a plant flourishes after abundant rain, so that the ever-peaceful Trinity found ineffable pleasure therein, and all the Saints experienced new delights.

Ana Neilson Credo . Coenobium
Revelations of St. Gertrude, Bk. 4
The Revelations of Saint Gertrude
Book 4
Compiled by the Religious of Her Monastery.
Chapter 1. With what devotion we ought to prepare ourselves for festivals.
Revelations of St. Gertrude, Bk. 4
The Revelations of Saint Gertrude

Book 4
Compiled by the Religious of Her Monastery.

Chapter 1. With what devotion we ought to prepare ourselves for festivals.