What Kind Of “Lions” Do We Have?


What Kind Of “Lions” Do We Have?
Rockford, Il – (ProLifeCorner.com) – 5-2-2014 – by Rockford Pro-Life Initiative – The scandal is growing concerning the Catholic Church in America and it’s support for abortionists in Catholic hospitals. The Archdiocese of New York and Cardinal Dolan is even paying for abortions through the Archdiocese insurance program.

We have reported on a Catholic hospital in La Crosse in partnership with abortionists.
The Diocese of Columbus OH, has been turning a blind eye to abortionist on staff in Catholic hospitals at Trinity Health System in Columbus, OH in the Mt Carmel/St Ann’s for years. The most flagrant abortionists in town are given privileges at Catholic hospitals and now 3 bishops in a row are all mum….total silence & crickets when the faithful, including doctors and pharmacists, protest the scandal.
Now we have news of Providence Park Hospital, which is part of the St. John Providence Catholic health care system in Detroit, allowing four abortionists to maintain admitting privileges at their campus. www.lifesitenews.com/news/detroit-catholi…
The good news is we have faithful Catholic lay people fighting these situations. The sad news is we have Bishops who have turned their backs on Christ and the unborn. Why do these Bishops participate in the murder of children?
It could be cowardice, loss of faith, seeking the honors and praise of the liberal culture, fear of a fight, lack of compassion for the suffering mothers and children, or a dozen other reasons we may never know. The one thing we do know is because these Bishops refuse to stand up and end these situations, children are being murdered with the help and assistance of Catholic hospitals.
Please send a letter to Cardinal Dolan asking him to stop paying for abortions: Office of the Cardinal 1011 First Ave New York, NY 10022
Please send an email to Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron asking him to remove the abortionists from all Catholic hospitals:
Please email Bishop Fredrick Campbell and request he end the relationships of his Catholic hospitals with abortionists: commailbox@colsdioc.or