Benedict XVI: Cyprus, a crossroads between of culture and religion. Cyprus lies at the crossroads of cultures and religions, of both glorious histories and ancient pasts, the Pope said in a speech on …More
Benedict XVI: Cyprus, a crossroads between of culture and religion.

Cyprus lies at the crossroads of cultures and religions, of both glorious histories and ancient pasts, the Pope said in a speech on his arrival in Cyprus, the latest step of his apostolic journeys. In Cyprus, Benedict XVI will deliver the working document of the Assembly of the next Synod of Bishops on the Middle East.

Situated between Europe, Asia and Africa, the Pope said, Cyprus has a special role as a bridge between worlds and cultures. May the love of your homeland and your families and the desire to live in harmony with your neighbors under the protection of God's merciful Almighty inspire you to patiently resolve the problems that you still share with the international community for the future of your island.

Coming to one of the reasons for his travel, precisely the delivery of the working document of the Synod, Benedict XVI noted that this Assembly will consider the many aspects of the Church's presence in the region and the challenges that Catholics must face, sometimes in difficult circumstances, living the communion with the Catholic Church and offering their testimony at the service of society and the world. Cyprus is therefore an appropriate place to launch our Church's reflection in the place of the lay Catholic community in the Middle East, our solidarity with all Christians in the region and our conviction that they have an
irreplaceable role to support peace and reconciliation among
its peoples.