The 'Great Reformer' Book demonstrates Bergoglio's illegitimacy

The 'Great Reformer' Book (original version) demonstrates Bergoglio's illegitimacy
Does a New Book Question Pope Francis' Legitimacy? | Sojourners

Fraudulent Conclave -Invalid Conclave= Bergoglio is a Usurper.

Anti Pope Francis says he has ‘carried out’ plans laid during ‘pre-Conclave meetings’

McCarrick on Bergoglio’s Election: “We did it!”

Team Bergoglio” is the plot against the Church by a group of Cardinals who launched a lobbying campaign before the conclave to elect Bergoglio.
Bergoglio and McCarrick: Manipulating the Conclave
McCarrick was a member of the St. Gallen mafia that lobbied for Bergoglio's election
la verdad prevalece
Team Bergoglio” is the plot against the Church by a group of Cardinals who launched a lobbying campaign before the conclave to elect Bergoglio.
Bergoglio and McCarrick: Manipulating the Conclave
McCarrick was a member of the St. Gallen mafia that lobbied for Bergoglio's electionMore
Team Bergoglio” is the plot against the Church by a group of Cardinals who launched a lobbying campaign before the conclave to elect Bergoglio.

Bergoglio and McCarrick: Manipulating the Conclave
McCarrick was a member of the St. Gallen mafia that lobbied for Bergoglio's election