Guess Who Is the Poster Boy for Gay Marriage?

Myself and others at The American Spectator have written about the unusual fans that Pope Francis has attracted via his various controversial remarks, particularly those relating to the Church and abortion, contraception, and gay marriage.

Those remarks have been greeted by the Church’s detractors like a gift from the heavens. For secular progressives and liberal and fallen-away Catholics, the pope’s comments have been cause for wondrous celebration, ushering in an era of “tolerance” and “change” from Rome.

In truth, Francis’s statements have been consistent with Church teachings, even when butchered and misunderstood and misrepresented, especially by the New York Times.

That, however, is a problem in and of itself — one that Francis needs to be attentive to. Enthusiasts on the left are running wild with his remarks, particularly the imprecise ones, remaking them and him in their own image.

He’s like their personal Vatican II; they seize his statements and exaggerate and exploit them for their contrary purposes.

For the record, these communists, like secular progressives, are excited about this new pope not because they’re suddenly thinking about becoming Catholic; no, they’re excited because they believe he’s more like them.

Likewise, another really disturbing example was reported here by George Neumayr, who wrote about a liberal Catholic who calls herself a “"Nancy Pelosi - Pope Francis Catholic". She firmly rejected the advice of a Catholic family counselor who was too pro-life and too “traditional marriage” (i.e., too Catholic) for her tastes. She wanted the counselor to be more like Nancy Pelosi and Pope Francis. (Emphasis added - ED)

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No surprise!