What the Pope said about Baptism and the Devil - Perspectives Daily. saltandlighttv on May 2, 2018 Good evening and welcome to Perspectives Daily. During his weekly general audience in Rome today, the …More
What the Pope said about Baptism and the Devil - Perspectives Daily.

saltandlighttv on May 2, 2018 Good evening and welcome to Perspectives Daily.
During his weekly general audience in Rome today, the Pope asked for prayers for peace in Syria and invited Christians, to be joyful, for the grace of Baptism. He continued his catecheses, focusing on the Sacrament of Baptism. He offered a reflection on water, as the source of life. Here now is a summary from CNS.

Here in Canada now, the parliamentary House of Commons has overwhelmingly supported a motion yesterday, to call on the Pope to apologize, on Canadian soil, for abuses that occurred at church-run residential schools. But what happens next is a mystery, since the motion is not binding in any way.

MP Charlie Angus, who introduced the bill, described the debate as "a historic moment for the Parliament of Canada." He said that Parliament created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine the evidence. The commission’s report, interestingly, denounced the government, and not the church, for pursuing a policy of cultural genocide. It also found that the Canadian government's aboriginal policy dating back to the 19th century, was intended to assimilate native children into Canadian culture and called for the establishment of residential schools as one element of that policy.

Now, the Prime Minister has already invited the Holy Father to Canada to issue a papal apology, and the Pope has also received many invitations from the Canadian bishops. On March 27th, a letter released by the Canadian bishops' said, that a papal visit was not yet imminent.

And on the same note, the President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop Lionel Gendron, has signed a joint ecumenical letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Canada, in support of a bill that requires the Government of Canada to take all measures necessary, to ensure that the laws of the country, are in harmony with the United Nations, "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples".

This Private Member's Bill also known as C-262 was sponsored by MP Romeo Saganash. Seven other signatures on the letter represent: The Anglican Church of Canada, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Mennonite Church Canada, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, Religious Society of Friends, and The United Church of Canada.

Now this bill is In response, to "Call to Action # 48", of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which addresses the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. And for more information on this, you can visit the CCCB website listed below.

That is all that we have time for today. Join us again tomorrow when I bring you more news and stories through the perspectives of a Catholic lens.