Henryk Lahola
"Jackie, where's Jackie?," Joe Biden says about Rep. Jackie Walorski who died in a car accident a few months ago! Joe Biden's Dementia Is Unbelievably Great… - The scandal was so huge not even Joe …More
"Jackie, where's Jackie?," Joe Biden says about Rep. Jackie Walorski who died in a car accident a few months ago! Joe Biden's Dementia Is Unbelievably Great…

The scandal was so huge not even Joe Biden’s cheering section in the corporate-controlled media could ignore it.

Democrats are nervous.

And Joe Biden could get removed from office because of what this disturbing video showed.

During remarks about the administration’s plan to fight hunger, Joe Biden called out to Indiana Republican Congresswoman Jackie Walorski, oblivious to the fact that she died in a car accident on August 3.

The White House released a statement on August 3 expressing sorrow for her death and offering Joe Biden’s deepest condolences to the family.

Biden also planned to meet with Walorski’s family on Friday to pay his respects.

But Biden clearly forgot that Walorski died and called out to a ghost.

Normally, the corporate-controlled press covers up for Biden’s obvious displays of senility and severe cognitive impairment.

Not this time.

At the White House press briefing, reporters asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre why Biden spoke about the late Congresswoman Walorski as if she were alive.

“The confusing part is why if she and the family are top of mind, why does the President think she’s living and in the room?” one reporter asked.

Jean-Pierre weakly responded that Biden merely had Congresswoman Walorski on his mind.

“I think many people can speak to when you have someone top of mind, they are top of mind. Exactly that,” Jean-Pierre answered.

Another reporter mocked Jean-Pierre’s response by saying that he often thought about deceased Beatles singer John Lennon, but that he did not walk around shouting his name.

“I have John Lennon top of my mind just about every day, but I’m not looking around for him anywhere,” the reporter snarked.

That was enough for Jean-Pierre to quickly shut down that line of questioning.

“When you sign a bill for John Lennon as President,” Jean-Pierre shot back, “then we can have this conversation.”

Jean-Pierre and other Biden handlers don’t want to admit that he forgot Walorski died because they know polls show the American people do not believe the 79-year-old is mentally capable of serving as President.

Such an admission would fuel sentiments expressed by former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller that the Cabinet and Vice President should invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Joe Biden from office.